EP1, Pt1: Rebirth into a Sky-Filled World

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I'm... Alive?

How I should be dead!

And why's it so dark?

Don't tell me! Am I blind!?

No... it seems I'm in some sort of container... A sack maybe? No, it's a bit too hard for that... though I guess it does give way a bit when I push on it.

Alright. Calm down, your Spyro, The Purple Dragon!

I push as hard as I can against the walls of my cage. And *Crack*, it gives way, and I break out and am met with a bright light. Once my eyes adjust I look at my former prison, only to find...

"An egg? What was I doing in there?" I say, examining the egg.

The egg is purple and is covered in gold polka dots. I look down at my body...

"Ah! I'm small! Wait... Don't tell me I'm a baby!"

I roll around on the ground to express my frustration.

"Wait, if I'm a baby, and I died before... does that mean I reincarnated!? There's no telling how much time has passed! What about Sparks and the others!? Are they dead? No no no, that can't be! I didn't get to reply to Cynder's confection!"

'Well... Cynder... If you're watching over me... know that I love you too. I would have loved to be together with you for the rest of my life.'

'AH, who's there!? Wait... Spyro!? You feel the same way! Where are you?'

That voice... 'Cynder? Is- is that you?'

'You bet it is! Oh my god... I thought I had been reincarnated alone! I'm so glad that's not the case.'

'Yeah where are-'

"Well, whatda we got here? A baby dragon? I like those, especially medium-rare ones." An ugly creature comes out of nowhere with his goons.

'Spyro? What's wrong!?'

'Some ugly thugs are trying to eat me!'

 'Oh, no! Where are you? I'll be there as fast as possible!'

'Can you even fly?'


The thugs start to approach me... 'well, I can attack them and claim self-defense, right?'

'Spyro! you better not be doing anything stupid! Or I will-'

'And they're knocked out.'

'Ah... Good... soooo... about your location?'

'Yeah, right um, I seem to be in a wooded area... it's very... orange...'

'That's not much to go off of!'

'I'm trying OK? To be honest... I don't know where I am. Do you? Maybe I can track you down.'

'It's a dark place... there's a lot of dead things...'

'Oh, wait another guy is walking up to me.'

"Hello, little one," The man greats. at least, I think it is a man... I don't think I've ever seen this thing before so it might be a woman, heck, they might not even have a gender at all!

'UHG! Again!? wait no, we can use this, Wherever you are is clearly a populated area so...'

'... All we need to do is find the names of the nearest towns and then find our way to each other! You're a genius Cynder!'

"I mean you no harm," They say, interpreting my silence as speculation.

'Oh... Well... I try...'

"You must be hungry," They say, as they reach into their neck hair and pull out something, "Barely touched Corndog?" he says offering me the Barely Touched Corndog.

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