Chapter 10: Her Nightmares

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Katniss' POV

I shoot up in bed after Peeta shakes me awake from my nightmare. My hair is plastered to my face with sweat and I'm shaking. This is the first time I've ever had a nightmare about Willow specifically. I mean I've dreamed of someone taking my child to the Hunger Games or losing them in some other way, but that was before I actually had a baby and she had a name.

I hear Willow start crying from her room, probably awoken from my screams. I start to try to untangle myself from the blankets and go get her but Peeta stops me.

"I'll take care of her. It won't take long," he says. "I'll be right back."

"Bring her to me Peeta," I beg, "I need to hold her right now."

"Okay, I'll go get Willow and be right back," he says. And with that he leaves. I pick myself up out of the blankets and run my fingers through my hair, trying to get the hair from sticking to my skin. A few seconds later, Peeta carries our daughter in. He gently sets her in my arms and I hold her close.

"Shhh, Willow," I whisper, "I'm so sorry I woke you, my little Dandelion. I had a nightmare about you and I was just so scared you were gone," I start crying and her sobs start quieting down, overpowered by my own. Peeta sits beside me and starts rubbing my back.

"It's okay Katniss," he says, "She's safe. You don't have anything to worry about anymore.'

"I know," I say, "But I don't understand why I'm like this right now. I haven't had any nightmares since before she was born."

"Yeah, but they aren't going away forever. They'll never be gone. We learned that a long time ago," he says.

"I just wish she wasn't in them," I say "She's safe in the daylight, but when I close my eyes."

"Just put her to bed right now and try to go to back to sleep," he says kissing my cheek. I nod and carefully get off the bed and walk down the hall way to her room. I lay Willow down gently in her crib, trying and failing in not waking her.

"Willow, can't you make anything easy for me and your daddy?" I sigh, but I still feel myself smile. "You need to sleep now Sweetie."

She just stares at me and laughs, her three teeth shining in the dim light from the moon. I kneel down next to her and reach through the bars. I stroke her dark hair and smile. I start softly humming before I begin singing to her, knowing she probably won't go to sleep if I don't.

"Little baby told God, hey I'm kind of scared.
Don't really know if I want to go down there.
From here it looks like a little blue ball
That's a great big place and I'm so small.
Why can't I just, stay here with you?
Did I make you mad, don't you want me too?
God said oh child, of course I do
But there's somebody special waiting for you

So hush now baby, don't you cry
'Cause there's someone down there waiting whose only goal in life
Is making sure you're always gonna be alright
A loving angel tender, tough and strong
It's almost time to go and meet your mom.

You'll never have a better friend
Or a warmer touch to tuck you in
She'll kiss your bruises, your bumps and scrapes
And anytime you hurt
Her heart's gonna break

So hush now baby, don't you cry
'Cause there's someone down there waiting whose only goal in life
Is making sure you're always gonna be alright
A loving angel tender, tough and strong
It's almost time to go and meet your mom.

And when she's talking to you make sure you listen close
'Cause she's gonna teach you everything you'll ever need to know
Like how to mind your manners, to love and laugh and dream
She'll put you on the path that bring you back to me

So, hush now little baby, don't you cry
'Cause there's someone down there waiting whose only goal in life
Is making sure you're always gonna be alright
A loving angel tender, tough and strong
Come on child it's time, to meet your mom"

I get up and kiss her cheek.

"Your Daddy was the first one to sing that to you," I whisper softly as I watch Willow's eyes start to flutter close. "Although I highly doubt you heard that because you weren't born yet." When I finally see that she's sleeping peacefully, I turn around and find Peeta standing in the doorway.

"Motherhood looks good on you," Peeta says.

"Oh yeah. That deflated baby bump and bloodshot eyes make me real pretty," I say walking past him.

"You know that I'll always find you beautiful, but that's not what I meant," he says."I meant I love that glow on your face I see when ever you're with her or talking about her or holding her."

"Well I guess that's just what happens when you carry something for nine months and then have to go through hours of pain to bring it into the world," I say as I lay down in bed.

"Have you ever thought about having another one?" he asks.

"Peeta, Willow isn't even a year old. I think it's kinda soon to be thinking of having another," I say.

"I don't mean right now, I mean in the future," he says.

"Maybe in a few years, when Willow is older. I kinda always wanted a little boy," I say laughing. Peeta smiles and kisses me.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" He asks.

"Yes, but those are words I'll never get tired of hearing from you," I say and lay my head on his chest, falling into a dream about a baby boy with my father's grey eyes, staring up at me.

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