Shared Past | Jack Whiskey

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Two years. That's how long I've been working at Statesman. It's been great. I don't need to be working behind some desk, a simple 9 to 5 job. I need to be out there, in the field. And for as long as I can remember, the majority of my missions have been with Agent Whiskey. We "work well together" according to Champ. I'm not gonna deny that we more ways than one.

"Fuck darlin..." he breathed out, pressing his lips against my forehead "...that was amazing."

We're in a bathroom right now, we were waiting for Champ to get into his office and we got kind of bored waiting for him to do so. That forehead kiss, feelings, fucking hell. These feelings need to stop. They need to go away, I don't need them. I breathed out a shaky sigh, gulping. That was amazing.

He cursed under his breath, shaking his head. Jack quickly pulled up his trousers and stepped away from me.

I hopped off of the bathroom counter and pulled up my pants, fixing up my clothes. This...our..uh, whatever it is, it started off a one night stand about a year ago. We came home after a long mission, one where we quite literally were inches away from death.

We were angry and tired. We agreed that it would be just one night, a stress release if you will—but then it started to turn into something more then that. As it continued on past the month mark, feelings started to get involved. Well mine anyway, I don't know about him.

He put his cowboy hat back on and cleared his throat. Jack stood inches away from me, it seems he doesn't want to move yet, and I don't want him to either. But these feelings man, they can't stay. I can't fall for someone just to have them die again, I just can't. It fucking destroyed me last time, I don't want to go through that again.

"We should get going. ..." I muttered "...Champ is probably waiting for us."

Jack nodded and walked in front of me, getting the bathroom door.

"You first, darlin." he motioned his head to the walkway.

I walked out of the bathroom, feeling him place his hand on my back, his thumb running along the back of my shirt. I felt my heart race a little at the small gesture, but continued to walk down the small hallway to Champ's office.

We got to his door and Jack took a step forward, his body slightly pressing against mine as he gave the door a generous knock. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my heart beating faster. He stayed still for a second, but ultimately moved his body away. My heart started to slow down but I felt a sense of loss as he moved away.

"Come in!" Champ called out.

I opened the door and the two of us walked in, being greeted with a loud hello and a smile.

"Ah, Agents! Sit down."

I cleared my throat and sat a few seats away from Champ, while Jack sat a seat away from me, avoiding eye contact with me. It's not unusual for that to happen.

"You two alright?" Champ asked, looking between the two of us.

He got up and walked over to his liquor station. He grabbed three small glasses and started to pour some of our finest whiskey.

"Doin fine..." Jack nodded, looking at me briefly.

"Yeah, no, everything is good. ..." I smiled and nodded, clearing my throat "...I assume the niceties are behind us."

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