Starry night

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Y/n has started an All-nighter because they forgot to do homework earlier.

"Sooo....What subject are you working on??" Uzi broke the studying silence, "Math." You answered. "Oh so like...World problems about buying water melons?" Uzi joked, which got a chuckle out of you. "How much longer are you gonna be at this??" N asked worried. "All night." You said with a plain expression."Oh." N responded just like when he finished rebooting in the Pilot.

Another hour passes, as it's Midnight and Y/n Is 60% Done with their homework.

Hey uhh... You wanna take a breakd, Buddy?" N was worried "Maybe but only for 2 minutes..." you responded, Trying to get your homework done as soon as possible but also caring for yourself. "I've got an Idea! Y/n follow us!" Uzi had a light bulb. (as in a Thought not an actual physical light bulb LOL) V has been quiet the entire time, more because she just wanted to chill out, But she understood the assignment of what they wanted to show Y/n. They opened the window seal and hopped on the roof/balcony. (idk if y'all's room windows can get on the roof but just imagine it does.)

"Is this about star gazing like N mentioned earlier? because Don't worry, I've seen stars before." You clarified "Well yes, but Just relaxing while looking at the stars in the night sky might make it... different from the times you've seen the stars before!" N mentioned, hopefully still convincing you to come out on the balcony/roof. "Alright." You came out on the balcony/roof and layed down along with your Plushie Friends. You gotta admit, It did feel nicer to just Lay down and focus on the Twinkling stars lighting up the sky. It felt as if you're in a giant snow globe, with all the falling snow, and the sphere surrounding you.

"See? What did I tell you? 😀" N smiled at your 'Gazing at the stars in wow-ness' face. "It feels weird to see the Moon without a ring around it." Uzi states. "Maybe for you." You chuckle. And like last time, V is still quiet from the rest of the group.

"Hey..LOOK!" Uzi see's a star shaking a bit before begining to fall. "A Shooting Star!!!" You squeal "QUICK! Make a wish!" N states quickly before the Shooting star is out of sight.

You lose your eyes and wished...That the Plushies could stay by your side forever.

When you opened your eyes, The Shooting star was nowhere to be seen now. "What did you guys wish for?" Uzi asked. Before you could respond, N interrupted: "We can't tell anyone otherwise it won't come true!" "Yeah!" You agreed, not taking ANY risks. "You guys actually for real wished on a shooting star?? Pfft, Cute" V Commented "I'm NOT CUTE!" Uzi yelled in denial. "Yes you are." You and N said at the same time. "WHAT?" "WHAT?" "What-" "Uhhh anyways-"

You headed back inside, Remembering your homework...Ugh. "Oh right..Homework.😑" you sighed, then you Yawned, you seemed very tired. "Hey, Y/n," Uzi began "Yea??" You questioned "I can help complete your Homework for you. BUT ONLY THIS ONCE!" Uzi offered "For real? But- shouldn't I Being doing it? Isn't that the whole point-" you were interrupted "That's why I said Only this once." Uzi recalled. "I'll help too!" N joined In. "...Thanks." was the only word you could say. "Get some rest, we'll figure this out." N resured, Pointing at the last subject You had and were working on. "Alright." You responded and jumped in bed and covered yourself with the Blanket. MeanwhIle V was sleeping in the drawer N was hiding in earlier while they were playing Hide & seek.

And you went to bed, With your Bracelet on, Hoping your Wish from earlier came true.

A/N: I know last chapter i said "The end of day 1" but i was like: WAIT no the HW thing could work lol- another short chapter, blegh.

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