Chapter 24

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Reina's P. O. V:

I start to feel a warm, tingling feeling spread up from my toes, to my shoulders and head, until I'm blinking my blue eyes against the suddenly bright light of the Fairy Tail guild hall. "Huh...?" I utter, gazing around and swing the same thing happening to the other girls beside me, except for Erza; she wasn't here anymore.

I look down and see that I'm still in my black gothic dress, before Gramps approaches us, appearing relieved. Once all of us girls were dressed again, Gramps explains that Laxus has waged war after having Evergreen turn us girls to stone, and that everyone else was out in the city, fighting to free us because Laxus had taken us hostage. Laxus is doing this because he wants to take over the guild as Master. Mystogan has returned to the city, and now Erza has gone to fight Evergreen—she's won, which was why us girls are now freed.

"Well, Laxus! You're all out of hostages, boy! Can't continue with your game now, can you?!" Gramps exclaims triumphantly, his hand clenched into a fist.

"He called it "The Battle of Fairy Tail"?" Lucy inquires.

Sitting in the edge of the stage, one leg crossed over the other and her chin in her palm, Cana utters, "Laxus outdid himself this time."

I was mad that Laxus was doing this to his own guild mates.

"At any rate, it's over now," Says Gramps. "I've played along with his foolish game because your lives were in danger, but I won't indulge him anymore."

Mira speaks up softly, "Master, we can't let him get away with hurting our friends."

"Yeah! She's right!" Bisca chimes in angrily, clenching a fist. "If we don't teach Laxus a lesson, then he'll never learn!"

"Ooohhh, don't worry! I'm going to give that boy a punishment he'll never forget! He should know better! You can mess with me, but you can't mess with my guild!" Gramps declares determinedly.

Holding up his hand with a flat expression on his face, Natsu states, "Hey, now, hold on a sec!"


"I don't know about taking hostages, but I don't see the harm in finding out who's the strongest," Says Natsu, crossing his arms. "I think we should keep the battle going!" All of us girls deadpan at him. Natsu smiles at Gramps. "In the end, I bet he was just trying to have a little fun for the festival! Give him a break!"

I stare at him with a dumbfounded expression. "He thinks this is all just a game...?"

Chuckling, Natsu punches his fist against his palm, and exclaims, "Hehe! So, what are we waiting for?! We've got enough people here. Let's start brawling! Come on! Round 2, right now!!"

"What?!" Lucy, Levy, Bisca and I exclaim in unison.

Gramps shouts, eyes angry white triangles, "Don't even think about it, you nincompoop!"

"Come on! I've gotta do something with this pent up energy I've got!" Natsu says enthusiastically, fist pumping the air toward an irritant Lucy.

"Give it a rest! You're always looking for new excuses to pick a fight."

Cana offers, "If you need to blow off steam that bad, I'm always ready to rumble!"

I sigh, "Don't encourage him, girl."

Happy says to Natsu, "You know, I don't think it's nice to beat up on girls, especially when they're your friends!"

Natsu says flippantly, "A girl, a guy, a friend, an enemy... who cares?"

"Hey! Keep this up and I am gonna fight ya!" Happy snaps.

"Haha!! Lucy, let's see what you're made of!" Natsu says eagerly as he chases Lucy around. I can't help but giggle as I watch from between Cana and Levy.

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