Episode 1: The Light

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The emptiness of the room and the silence that is kept here are almost driving me insane. I have no idea how I got in here in the first place. My clothes that have been worn for 10 years weirdly didn't stink- now that I think of it, it is kinda gross- ANYWAYS. Not knowing how much longer I'm going to be here, I sat desperately hoping for some kind of hope. Suddenly, a light shines through the endless abyss.

"Light? I guess there was hope After all!" I said as I sprinted my way to the radiant light shining in the distance

As I got closer and closer, the light started to blind my eyes a little although I don't really care, it does hurt when you get exposed to light after 10 years of darkness. As I get really close to the light, I can see all sort of buildings, animals, people, and plants. Without a second thought, I jumped into the light or, portal, to escape, and I succeeded. I managed to escape from that nightmare.. with a flat face on the ground-

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