Chapter 4 - ''Prodigal Sister...''

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I am awakened by the bustling sound downstairs and in the corridors. Slowly, I manage to open my eyes. A soft knock soon lands on my door.

''My prince! Her Majesty is requesting for your presence downstairs.''

''Yes Zanele! I'll be down in a minute!'' I groggily reply, much to my annoyance. Why so early in the morning?!

After taking a quick shower and shave, I make my way downstairs, slightly pausing as I was about to enter the lounge. I look down at everyone moving swiftly around as Ma dished out orders.

''yes! please be here by 4 pm!'' I heard her yell over the phone frantically.

I walk towards her.

''Ma, is everything ok?''

''Kayise is arriving this afternoon, we're going to have some lunch.'' She beams just mentioning her. Kayise is her youngest, her joy and pride. She always claims to love all her children equally, when it's clearly obvious who her favorite is. Truth be told, I honestly missed my Gundi , but I doubt she missed me. After all, she left home escaping any and everything that has to do with royalty and ''dramatic rituals...'', which is so ironic because Baba absolutely refused to give her permission to host her 21st unless she had Umemulo.

''oh, you need me to help with anything?''

''oh yes, I need you to pick her up at the airport...'

''Okay. What time does she land?''

''Probably 2pm.''

''Good. I have just about enough time to go jogging. I can't let this outfit go to waste after all...'' I say, looking down at my running shorts and shirt.

''Jogging? So early in the morning Sizwe?''

''Hawu Ma. You're up giving orders so early in the morning. You even woke me up just to notify me about the arrival of your favorite...'' I say, teasing her

''Ey wena! Ngzok'shaya!'' She says , smacking me playfully.

''Aike, sengihembe Ma!'' I say, rushing out for my jog.

5 hours later...

I'm slowly making my way towards the airport, and the excitement of my little sister arriving gets more intense by the moment.

I drive into the parking bay, and I exit the car, putting on my tinted sunglasses. A wave of the fresh Durban air oozes by, reviving me from the stuffy smell of leather I was breathing in the car.

I walk into the arrivals section and there was my beautiful little sister, pushing the luggage trolley !

"My honorable Gundwane!" she playfully greets me with a smile

"My honorable Gundi!" I reply with a chuckle, holding out my arms for a hug.

"Ah bhut'wam, I've missed you." she says, now wrapping her arms around my back.

"I've missed you too Gundi. Home has been dull without our little fashionista!"

"Yeah hey, I can tell that you really have been out of style. Out of all things bhut'wam, chino shorts and a crew neck sweater in this weather? Old age is starting to peak..." she teased.

I glance at her and we both break out laughing.

"Let's head to the car, Ma probably has some sort of surprise for you."

Her eyes light up, "Yaaaaas!"

Grabbing her luggage, we both make our way to the car.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey there. Thanks for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed, even though it was quite short! It's just that it has been so long since I did anything productive relating to this story since I was having some writers block, but now I am back. Please do check out my latest story, "Fractured Reality" , I hope you'll enjoy that as well.

Chapter 5 is coming! Please comment and vote! 


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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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