Chapter 3 - "Snobby Royal"

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Lungelo's POV


I softly open my eyes to soft gospel music playing in the lounge.

"It's Sunday today?" I whisper to myself

"Lungi mntanami! Please go to Bab'Hlongwane's house , and ask MaNdlovu for my church shoes! And on your way back , please go buy bread my dear , the money's on the coffee table!" I hear my mom yell over the music.

Rolling my eyes , I reply , getting out of the blankets "Ok Mah"

I quickly threw on something to wear , headed to the lounge to fetch the bread money , and I was on my way. As I walk , I just keep my eyes on my feet the entire time , and memories roll back.

"I miss Jama. My Jama. My heart's keeper. I miss his touch , the way his hot breath melted onto my skin whpen our lips touched. The way he made butterflies push violently against my stomach from happiness. The way he loved me , oh..."

"Hello! Earth to Lungi!" I hear a familiar voice yell behind me , snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No maan Thobile! You scared me!" I laugh nervously.

"Mxm. Drama queen! By the way , how are you doing? Are you coping?"

I roll my eyes and mumble , "I guess..."

I just hate this question. The "are you coping?"question. Imagine losing the love of your life on the day he was going to make his commitment of love to you official.

"Do you ever think you'll find another man?"

"No." I shot back with no hesitation whatsoever. "Never again. Jama was my one and only."

She smirks at me.

"What?" I shrug

"I can see you're lying. " she says laughing.

"What do you mean?"

"You can't be a virgin forever you know..."

I roll my eyes again , laughing this time.

"Girl please. There's older women than me out there that have never got some! Let alone a kiss!"

"Woah , ok. Where are you headed? I need to go buy Disprin and GrandPa. iStlama sing'bambe ngamawashing mngee!" Hangover has me by the neck!)

I laugh.

"I'm headed to the shop as well ntomboo. Thobile...hayi , I don't know why I still have friends like you! "

"Because you love my alcoholic slay queen ass!"

"Sure as hell I do!"

We both laugh and share a high five.

After a couple of minutes of walking , and creepy dudes staring at me like a walking piece of meat , we reach the shop.

We walk into the shop , and I grab two loaves of bread. As I walk towards the counter , Thobile whispers.


"What?" I whisper back

"By the way , the reason why I stopped you is because I have IMPORTANT news to tell you..." she says with what seems like a smile or a smirk , I'm not sure.

"What?!" I whisper louder

"Chommie , Prince Sizwe is back." She squeals in excitement

I roll my eyes again. Really? She just wanted to tell me about a snobby royal's arrival.

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