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Their next practice date is a big one, a special one, because they've been doing this fake-dating thing for a couple of months now and this is the first time they'll be in a congested space, surrounded by swaths of bodies. The first time they'll actually have to be a bit careful, as the brains in those bodies would undoubtedly be judgmental.

Because as it just so happens, they're going to Lotte World.

The moment they make the decision, Chaewon is buzzing with anticipatory, anxious energy. It makes it difficult for her to sleep the night before, and Yunjin has to practically drag her out of bed in the morning with promises of cotton candy and corn dogs.

Lotte World itself is incredibly overwhelming, and not just because they get shoved by a stranger not even 15 feet into the amusement park. There are bright colors and lights and statues of humanoid animals everywhere, cacophonous screeches from parkgoers and rollercoasters on tracks alike. Yunjin walks closely to Chaewon, their shoulders bumping in lieu of holding hands. She looks concerned and that alone makes Chaewon smile reassuringly back.

On the way to their first ride, they pass a cluster of booths with carnival games and giant plushies for prizes. Chaewon is immediately mesmerized, and even moreso when she spots a brown lion that is at least half her size.

"Look, Yunjin-ah!" she points, grinning, "It's you!!!"

Yunjin laughs. "I'm much better looking."

Though she tries not to, Chaewon laughs as well, but not before swatting at Yunjin's arm.


The thing about Chaewon, nonsensical or not, is that no rollercoaster will ever scare her half as much as the Viking ship ride. Something about hanging upside down for a suspended period of time is just completely unappealing to her.

The thing about Yunjin, nonsensical or not, is that the Viking ship ride is her favorite. Which means Chaewon is standing in line for the Viking ship ride.

She tries not to shake or let the anxiety show on her face, but Yunjin sees right through her.

"I can ride it without you," she offers, but she's kind of laughing and Chaewon knows if she takes her up on it that she'll never stop teasing her about it.

"No, I can handle it," she insists resolutely.

"Okayyyyyy," Yunjin says, elongating the word until the attendant opens the gate and it's their turn to shuffle in.

It's not until the ride is already starting up that the anxiety crawls back, full-force, and Chaewon's heart feels like it's lodged in her throat.

Breathe, she tells herself. Think about something else.

And that's when her eyes catch on Yunjin, childish grin on her face and her hands already in the air. Chaewon decides to watch her instead of the shifting world around them, cataloguing the younger girl's delighted giggle, the twinkle in her eye when she checks on Chaewon, the way her hair gets tousled by the wind and ride alike.

Before she knows it, the ride is done and Yunjin is looking her over.

"Did you have fun?" she asks, and it's like Chaewon's brain finally clicks into place. Yunjin knows how to have fun. She knows how to switch between their friendship and their fake relationship seamlessly because she's enjoying herself, because she's compartmentalizing and not worrying about the implications of anything. Chaewon doesn't just need to stop herself from reading too deeply; she needs to start having more fun with it.

"Yes," she smiles, finally, and resolves to mean it.


They pass the carnival booths again on their way to the next ride, only this time, Yunjin pulls Chaewon to a stop with a hand on her wrist.

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