Part 15 - The Finale

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Sooo, quick warning, I really rushed to get this out.
I know, I know, my writing got really sloppy.
But thats cause I was trying to give yall the end as quick as I could.
Even if this is sloppy,
I hope you all enjoy it all the same.

Deathly silence followed, broken by bombs. April gasped. This was not good. Not good at all, but if the prophecy was true…
She could fix it.
She could help. 
Maybe this hourglass powder could help. 
She had seen Michelle teleport so many times. Speaking of the witch, she had started to stir, causing everyone to jump.
“Be better, Michelle Rose, be like Henry, Michelle Rose,” She had muttered. She then sprang awake, her hands to her neck. 
“No..” She whispered. Her eyes locked onto April’s new outfit, and her purple eyes, quickly fading back into their original color. 
“What did you do?” She shrieked. “What did you do? My power- no- it’s gone- all gone-” 
“Forever.” Alex finished, his jaw clenching. “Please arrest her, your majesty,” He requested, and Kai did, and the guards dragged away a shouting figure.
“Wait,” April said suddenly, as a thought appeared. “Could I free you of your curse? I could, right?”
“No, you can’t,” Alex said sadly. “She made sure it could never be reversed, unless I found true love, and that she loved me back, but it’s okay. I don’t mind dying, as long as I do something good before death.”
You already have, April thought. He had let her go. He had done so much to try to ensure the safety of the world.
“Oh..” April wasn’t quite sure what to say. Another bomb sounded, and she straightened.
“I’m going to try something. Hold my hand, and hang on tight,” She commanded. April had no idea if she would inherit powers from the necklace, but it was worth a shot.
She tried to propel her mind towards the sound of the bombs, and suddenly, she and her companions went through a very… not thrilling ride.
She actually vomited when they arrived at the bomb site. So did everyone else, except the androids, Yolanda and Iko. Lucky people, they were at the moment.
After recovering, everyone’s eyes widened in horror. People were running, screaming. Everything was on fire. 
So. Much. Fire. 
“Go! Go save them!” April cried. “I’ll handle the soldiers.”
“April, you can’t! You’ll get hurt-” Alex protested, so genuinely, it made April’s heart warm. She locked eyes with him. 
“I’ll be fine. Go!” And they did. 
Closing her eyes, she focused on extinguishing the flame. 
Suddenly, she felt cold. So, so cold. Frozen.
Then hot. Boiling. Cooked. She fell on her knees, gritting her teeth, as sweat from the heat trickled down her body.
When it finally ceased, all the fire had been extinguished. April began fearing her magic. It was too powerful, and did too much.
Even if it was helpful, no one should have this power.
No one.
She would deal with it later. 
She was going to have to do two more things. Find the leader of the Lunar republic, and find a way to get everyone to stop fighting.
Michelle could stop people from moving. 
This was gonna be tiring. 
She actually almost fainted, and after being paralyzed for like, fifteen minutes, she lay on the ground, panting. There was a painful pull in her gut that kept on getting pulled tighter and tighter.
April guessed that when she released the pull, everyone would start fighting again. She spotted a fancy warship, fancier than the rest, and limped inside it. 
As she suspected, there was the leader of the Lunar Republic.
And he was sipping tea. 
While there was a war going on out there, he was watching some net dramas, sipping tea.
“Excuse me,” April said stiffly. Sir Lark Ender met April’s gaze. What shocked April was that his eyes were purple.
She gasped. 
“Hmm. Another Affected, are you?” Sir Lark Ender said, in a slithery tone. April barely refrained from gasping again. 
His voice was not his voice.
She had heard it on the news before, his real voice. And this was not it.
“You’re not the leader of the republic. Who are you? What have you done? What’s an Affected?” April stood in a defensive stance. 
“Very good,” The imposter mused. “Asking the right questions, in a way. Finally, the first time in years.”
Years? The guy looked too young to be in the criminal business, in April’s opinion.
“Every single time I possess someone,” The voice continued. “The ones who figure it out always ask, " How did you do it? Release him! So annoying.”
“Right, because it’s okay to steal someone’s body?” April demanded.
“Obviously.” The guy chuckled. “As for what's an Affected? It’s someone who smashed an hourglass necklace, and was deemed worthy of the magic.”
April clenched her fists.
“This magic is something no one should have. Why are you doing this?” 
Sir Lark Ender’s head lifted, a smile on his face. 
“It’s the best way to get what I want,” His mouth said. “Revenge on Winter and Jacin.” He spat those two names out like they were poison, or rotten food. 
“What did they do to you?” April cried.
“My brother, Aimery Park. Now, I won’t get into the details, but he’s-” As the imposter was talking, April seized her chance, and conjured her tranquiliser, a special type of tranquiliser, which she fired at the possessor’s newfound body.
“Dead.” April finished. “I know.” 
It was too easy. This was exactly why she despised her power, everything was too easy. She could find the possessor and kill him from afar, she could free Sir Lark Ender. 
It was too much, too much.
But she had to use it. She had to end this. 
“Leave his body,” She whispered, sending a blast of magic to the leader. “Forever.” A wisp rose out of his body, hissing and disappearing. 
She sent another blast of magic to wake him. The pain in her gut disappeared.
Oh no.
She didn’t have time. 
“WAKE UP YOU FOOL!” She shouted, wincing at her tone. He jerked awake. 
“What happened?”
“Less talking, more doing! Call of your soldiers! They’re attacking Earth!”
Sir Lark Ender’s eyes widened, and he rushed to the screen. 
“Call off the attack! Stop attacking! Retreat!” he screamed into the radio, a[pparent;y getting the message that this was urgent. 
Hours later, after Kai and Lark had a very, very long talk about diplomatics, and how the Lunar Republic could make it up to them, they all bid their goodbyes. 
“So you succeeded,” The Rampion Crew suddenly turned around, to find…
“Aimery.. No-.. No..” Winter leaned into Jacin, who had already drawn his sword. 
“Not Aimery,” the man snapped. “His brother. Rory Park.”
“Wow,” Thorne said. “Your parents didn’t do well with that one.”
Rory ignored him, and stared at April.
“And you,” He said coldly. “Will pay.” He lunged toward her, and she realized he had a knife in his hand. She froze.
“April!” Alex shouted. He pushed her out of the way, and the knife caught his waist. 
“NO!” April yelled, her eyes turning cold and dark with rage, and sadness.
She started to levitate, black and purple magic swirling around her hands. 
Rory started to back away, his confidence shattering. 
“No,” He whispered. “It can’t be- The one from the prophecy- The one who would save Ear-” He never finished his sentence, since April blasted him.
She fell back to the floor, and screamed, sobbing.
“Alex, if you die- I swear- DON’T DIE!” She yelled. 
Alex smiled weakly. 
“I’m so sorry for kidnapping you,” He said softly. “At least now I know I’ll die with my curse being half lifted.”
“I don’t know how, since we met literally a day ago but, it’s not half lifted, you moron!” She cried. “It’s fully lifted.”
Thorne whistled. Scarlet smacked him. Everyone was tearing up, except those who couldn’t.
The prince smiled, and closed his eyes. April made a wailing sound, one similar to the cries of people in pain.
April focused on pouring the magic out of her, she didn’t want it.
It had led to this.
It had led to Alex dying.
Because of that magic.
That stupid, stupid magic.
Even if she defeated Rory.
She became a monster.
Suddenly, a glowing light shone around Alex’s body. His hood faded, and so did his scars, the knife disappeared, and his wounds closed up.
Everyone stared in wonder. 
“What the..” Kinney mumbled.
Alex gasped for air, and sat up straight, panting.
April tackled him with a hug.
Finally, finally, their drama was over.
And while she and Alex might’ve not known each other that well, they could find out about each other now. 
And so, they all lived happily after. April’s father had survived his illness, miraculously, April’s sisters continued their happy social life, and the rest…
They all had a happy ending.
The End.
And there it is.
Wow. I can't believe I finally finished my first wattpad story.
Dang, this feels a lil surreal.
I would've never made it this far without those who supported me along this story.
You know who you are, and you should give yourself a pat in the back because I almost gave up on this story.
I started April: A Lunar Chronicles fanfiction with no plan.
None. All I knew was that I loved the Tlc series so much.
And I figured, if I'm going to make a story anyways,
Why not share it?
Thank you all so, so much.
April, her family and her friends are going to miss you ♡♡♡
One day add some bonus scenes, but if yall want a book 2,
I don't think that's going to happen, unfortunately.
Thank you so much, again.
See you all in another story!
Signing off here for the final time,

April: A Lunar Chronicles Fanfiction (TO SOON BE EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now