1. Wedding

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In London

A couple is sitting near the balcony having coffee together. They are talking randomly. The weather in London is very cosy which they love and they find peace looking at those buildings. There was a time when they were surrounded by trees and greenery but nowadays they are surrounded by buildings and roads. Living in a city is never easy as in cities we have less space but in a village, we have enough space for everything.

"Anika what are you thinking?", Shivaay asked after finishing his coffee and found her lost somewhere which looked weird to him as daily Anika talks a lot and ends up waking their twin babies Yash and Nikita. This has become his habit to check on his children after having coffee but today she was quiet and he was the one who talked about their business. Even when he talked about his business he noticed Anika was lost somewhere which tensed him now. He noticed her worry lines and her expressions told him something was bothering her. It's been 5 years they have been living together and these 5 years made him realize his love for her.

It started with possessiveness when she talked about her imaginary boyfriend Rohit while faking memory loss. Even when he knew that was just an act, he couldn't stop himself from feeling jealous of that man. How can she praise someone else in front of him? For the first time he thought to turn selfish and took Anika away from that house but the day he left he lost faith in his family as well. He got to know from Khanna that the family misunderstood him and he requested him not to clear anything as they might call them back which he doesn't want.

He flew to London and they lived first in a small house that Shivaay purchased for them but later when he started his business with the help of Anika they purchased a mansion which is much bigger than Oberoi's mansion. But here they don't live alone but with another couple. Malika and Sidharth are their business partners and they helped them a lot in this journey. They helped them to settle in this country and made Anika feel comfortable and confident in a different environment. When Anika learned English, he felt proud of her. He knows her language is her personality but learning English was essential here because many people don't know Hindi and English is a necessity now.

After a year they got the good news that Anika was pregnant and after 9 months she delivered twins. They are 3 years old currently and will turn 4 on 5th November. It's been a year since her voice disturbed their children and now when she is not disturbing them, he is surprised to see the change.

"Tell me, Anika. Please", Shivaay requested and held her hand on his softly and pressed her hands softly to assure her that he was with her. Anika smiled on feeling his hand on hers brought his hand towards her lips and kissed the back of his palm lovingly. Shivaay smiled on seeing her smile and raised his eyebrow asking for an explanation. Anika nodded and took a deep breath before asking the question that disturbed her

"Don't you think Rudra should marry now? And he should go back?", Anika asked which shocked Shivaay and he took his hand back from her hold. He loves his brother and can't live without him now. Rudra has been living with them for the past 4 years and now his heart breaks to think of Rudra going back. He knows if Rudra goes back then he won't be able to come to London because his family will never let him come back here

"What do you mean?", Shivaay asked even though knowing well what Anika meant by her statement. It is just he is too shocked to react. Why does she think about this and is sending him back important?

"I mean Bhavya wants to marry him and she deserves a grand wedding. She deserves to meet his family and get their blessings. Also Shivaay family must be worried. He stopped interacting with them because of us. Don't you think he should go back?", Anika asked

"Keep your thoughts with you ", Shivaay said angrily and left the balcony angrily. Anika sighed as she knew her statement hurt and angered him but she thought about Bhavya. Rudra and she are in a relationship and Bhavya always tells her that she wants to marry Rudra but Rudra always denies which breaks her heart.

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