2. Yes Or No?

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After the meeting, Anika came back to Shivaay's cabin and checked her mobile phone to see 3 missed calls from Rudra. She understood why he called her as most of the time he called her whenever he needed help to handle children. She dialed his number again and after 2-3 rings Rudra picked up the call and told her that Bhavya had come to their house and wanted to talk with her. They can't come to the office as they can't talk here and this time she is afraid to leave the office as she is not supposed to behave unprofessionally like this especially when it comes to her office work and her dreams

"Anika he said he needed changes in this decoration. Rest is perfect so change as per your taste and then we will talk to him" Shivaay said to which Anika nodded and declined the call when she noticed him standing right behind her. She was unable to notice him as she was lost in her thoughts. She knows why Bhavya came today and why they called her today alone. The main problem is that they asked her to come alone and if she told Shivaay about Bhavya then he would ask her to come. She looked down thinking of a perfect excuse to make to tell him she wanted to go.

"Anika what happened?", he asked curiously

"Nothing, I have to go home because...", she was about to say something when he interrupted her

"They woke up and are disturbing Rudra? Let's go", he asked talking about kids but Anika shook her head vigorously in nervousness which was noticed by Shivaay.

"No, they are sleeping but Rudra needs my help in his work and you have an office to handle so stay here ", Anika said and placed her hand on his shoulder to assure him nothing was wrong

Shivaay looked at his shoulder and then at her eyes who were already staring at him. He felt his heartbeat rising because of her touch, he continued staring at her trying to figure out what she wanted and why she wanted to go home alone. Every day they go home together and if he is busy Anika always waits for him to get free as they know Rudra will handle children anyhow and if he doesn't then either they go back or sometimes Malika and Sidharth.

He held her hand and brought it towards his heart which is ragging from the time she discussed the topic of Rudra going back. He wants to become selfish because he is afraid to lose him. His family is already broken just because of his lie which was not a big issue but circumstances made this issue look much bigger and their family drifted apart.

How he would have stayed when he knew Swetlana and Tia wanted to kill Anika? How could he marry Tia knowing well he is married and Anika was faking memory loss? Just because of his ego, he can't break her trust and exchange rings with the person he never liked. He always adored Anika just like his eyes find a way to her beautiful sight. He knows he acted selfishly and maybe she is hurt by him which is expected but as always she showed herself as an understanding partner. He thought if he let Rudra go then Rudra might end up hating him like other's because he was not sending him back

"Shivaay. Should I go?", she asked breaking his trance and he looked away nodding slightly as he also needed time to think of Rudra's marriage

Will Rudra love his functions in this city? As compared with India, London is quite different and the atmosphere is not as friendly as it was there. There other rituals are given equal importance as a wedding but here only the wedding is important and the reception depends upon the couple and the family.

"Shivaay are you fine?", Anika asked with concern and placed her hand on his cheek softly. Shivaay closed his eyes as his eyes glistened with tears and he looked away removing her hand from his cheek as her soft hands and touch made him more emotional than he already was and he couldn't stop thinking of that more

"You should go", he said and walked towards the window to see a perfect view of the buildings. There is no tree or house visible from here. The only visible things were buildings and vehicles. He placed his hand softly on the glass reminiscing his old office which was more precious as the sight was most beautiful. With buildings, there were parks at a small distance, and in the middle of the road, trees were visible.

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