4 : Meet

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Shivaay gulped looking at the faces in front of him who were the same as they used to be. Maybe a little dull but everything in this house looked the same as it was. He looked at dadi who kept looking at them, Shivaay also couldn't react as he was lost in her. His dadi who he loved the most and his family who he missed but couldn't gather the courage to tell them how much he missed them.

All the flashes of the past came to his mind when his eyes made eye contact with him as dadi was the only person who kept asking him to stay with Anika. Even Omru suggested the same but their advice he used to ignore thinking they were just assuming but when his Dadi used to say the same, he always wondered why she said that.

Flashback start

"Shivaay Anika is the best life partner for you. She has lost her memory but not you. Don't lose her because if she gets her memory back she will never forgive you", dadi said when Shivaay announced his wedding with Tia. The most offended person was dadi who got angry with his decision

"This was meant to happen and Anika asked me to marry Tia. What is the issue?", Shivaay asked

"Issue? Do you think this is right?", dadi asked angrily

"I don't care let it be dadi. I will divorce her and will take care of her expenses", Shivaay replied

"If she got her memory back then she would never take help from you. Think from your heart not mind Shivaay. Try to understand who you want as a life partner and make decisions wisely. Anika is good for you and you should respect her before it is too late. Tia is the worst choice and you will ruin your life by marrying her. Take Anika out if you need to spend time with her but don't ruin your married life like this", dadi said which made Shivaay think about his decision. That day he started thinking of his decision. Whether he should follow the orders of Mrs. Kapoor or not. If he followed Mrs. Kapoor's orders and married Tia then he knows he will never stay happy with her because a part of him started liking Anika. He want to move forward with her and live a life with her forgetting the differences between their status which are the main hurdle in their married life

Flashback end

Shivaay's thoughts broke when he heard Rudra's shout. Rudra ran towards the family and hugged them tight. Shivaay looked down feeling sad at the sight. He is in his own house but today this house is feeling too strange to him. Right now he feels like he visited his best friend's house and now he is watching the reunion of a family that doesn't belong to him.

His jaws tightened and he clenched his hand into a fist. Everything in this house is pushing him back to the memory lane. His house where he spent half of his life. He missed this house and a tear escaped his eyes when he noticed Rudra hugging Janvi. He could hear their cries and felt bad for separating them. He knows he is the one to be blamed but he knows his reason is also genuine as without Rudra he felt lonely.

"S... Shivaay", he heard dadi's voice and looked towards her. His eyes glistened with tears hearing her low voice full of sorrow and pain. He looked aside to keep himself from crying. He felt too weak to stand there as he felt his legs jiggling. He never thought his house would make him feel like this.  Everything seemed new to him as he visited his house after a long time.

Dadi walked towards him taking slow steps and pulled him into a hug shocking Shivaay as he thought they would ask him to leave like he heard. Did he hear lies? If not then why dadi is happy to see him? Shivaay wondered. Suddenly he felt cold when he felt dadi's arms around him.

With shivering hands, he wrapped his arm around her waist and tightened the hug. Tears started flowing through his eyes remembering his family and the day he left with Anika. He felt himself selfish for leaving his family. He knew his family used to depend upon him but still, he felt what hurt him the most. Nobody from this family deserved this. He kept hugging her for a while forgetting his surroundings

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