3. Come back

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"No reason bhabhi. I feel I'm not ready for marriage. And I leave this decision to both of you", Rudra replied and walked towards his room not waiting for Anika's reply as he felt she might ask him more questions which he was not ready to answer. He knows the misunderstanding which was created before had a great impact on thier family. Sometimes a small issue can lead to a big fight.

We can't change someone's thinking but we can change our behaviour and Rudra did the same. He changed himself for Shivaay and Anika because he knew they were not in the right state he still remembers the day he met them

Flashback start

Rudra also misunderstood Shivaay but wanted to know about Shivaay and Anika as he was missing them a lot and there was no clue of them. He couldn't gather the courage to talk to his family about Shivaay's whereabouts because for them Shivaay eloped. He didn't know who was concerned and who was faking so he decided to search for them secretly. He searched for them and talked with Khanna as well. It took 10 days for him to find that they settled in London. He was scared to go there as he was not sure if he would be able to meet Shivaay and Anika or not.

When he talked with Khanna he got to know about Shivika's address as they told the same to Khanna. Even though Shivaay asked Khanna not to leak the information Khanna had no choice as Rudra was standing in front of him. When Rudra left he informed Shivaay about Rudra as he can't cheat on his boss .

Rudra booked a flight and then went to London. He reached their address and hugged Shivaay and Anika who were talking in the garden. At that time they were living in a 2hk flat and when Rudra saw this he felt his ground slipping through his feet to see his brother living in such a small house, sad, helpless, and struggling in the business field

He hugged Shivaay tight and asked for forgiveness from him. 

"It's ok Rudra", Shivaay said and from that day he tried helping Shivaay and Anika as he couldn't see them struggling but they refused and he decided to live with them as he was already fed up with the environment in the house. Tej behaves like an animal who shouts for nothing and he hates it. Even in this age he used to think of eloping and shifting to another city but couldn't and now he doesn't want to lose this opportunity.

Flashback end

Shivaay came back from his office and noticed Anika working on the laptop. He walked towards her and sat beside her to check what she was doing. On seeing him Anika closed the laptop turning towards him.

"What were you doing?", Shivaay asked raising his eyebrows

"Was checking dates to book the tickets and also a venue", Anika replied and opened the laptop. She showed his dates when they could book their tickets and also the villa and hotels which she liked

"Don't book any villa or hotel because I'm sure dadi will like rituals at home", Shivaay replied telling her not to book anything as his family would not like this idea. Their mansion is big enough to arrange 2 functions at a time so he also doesn't want to attend the function substance.

"Should I book tickets?", Anika asked to which Shivaay nodded and she booked the tickets for the next week. She knows Shivaay must be feeling scared to face the family again but he needs to do that as it is high time now. Also, she wants to meet family members and Omkara and his wife Gauri as well. She shared an unbreakable bond with Omkara which stayed precious till she left the mansion as Omkara always behaved nicely with her and always heard her commands.

The rest of the week went by they packed their suitcase and tried to check if they needed things or not. Anika told Yash and Nikita that they were going to India which excited them and they wondered what India would look like. They have heard India is beautiful from their parents and always asked them to take them to India but Shivaay and Anika always shrugged that matter by making excuses. As they shared this news they danced in joy which made Anika happy. She adored thier happiness and kissed them on thier cheeks.

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