Chapter 2

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When I finally got rid of my blue-haired apprentice, I decided to visit the young prince in his chambers. I knocked on his door and Rosario opened it.

"Lady Dominica, I didn't expect you at this hour," Rosario said.

Lady Rosario Vintachio is a small woman with black hair, brown eyes, and a pale face. But, her most representative characteristic is an almost plane nose, just two holes in her face. She had lost her nose in a deal with a demon, and for this reason, she can't hide it with magic. This deal had been a scandal at the time.

"I wanna see the prince if he isn't asleep," I said.

"Of course, Lady Dominica." She bowed and opened the door to let me enter.

"Rosario between us is not necessary, you aren't my apprentice anymore." After that long day, I was tired of so much formality. Both of us were sorceresses of the same coven and she was almost fifty years old. It was ridiculous.

"I'm sorry, the old customs never die. I have to keep something for having been the apprentice who lasted the longest with you," she said while we walked down the long corridor that was part of the prince's bedchamber.

"I'm sorry but this record is for Ludovica," I said.

"Really? Thatlittle girl, you're getting soft with age," she said between laughs.

"Your ego wishes," I said smiling.

Even though I had managed to quickly get rid of all my apprentices, I have a good relationship with most, with most of them who are alive, of course. When you are two hundred and fifty-six years old you have to go to a lot of funerals. I always tried to get good witches to teach them in a field of her interest, I have a good eye for these kinds of things. For example, Rosaria has a true talent for virology and pharmacology. For this reason, I called her. I have knowledge about medicine but the illness that afflicted the prince wasn't anything I had seen before. I approached the bed where the young redhead prince rested calmly but breathing irregularly.

"Your imperial highness," I said not too loud so as not to startle him.

He opened his eyes and made a soft smile. "Dominica."

"How do you feel?"

"Boring." He tried to grin but he started to cough very hard. I helped to sit him up and made a glass of water appear with a spell.

"Drink easy." He finished and I put the glass of water on a nearby nightstand. "Why so boring? Didn't your little sisters come to visit you?"

"My mother kicked them out and she forced me to pray all day. Luckily, you come each night to tell me one of your stories." He smiled again.

"Well, I have to go for a few days to Lorencia, but I'm going to give you one of my better novels so that Lady Rosario can read you each night until I come back." He punted and looked away. "In exchange, I will tell you the myth about the creature that I have to hunt in Lorencia, it's pretty unique."

The face of the boy changed immediately. "I could accept the exchanges," he said while his eyes showed that he was burning with curiosity to know more.

"Lumina obediunt mihi verba." Lights appeared in front of us and I sat down in the bed of the prince. "In the age of the state cities before the Dark Age, there was a princess with blonde hair called Mestra. She was loved by the people of her kingdom due to her intelligence and kindness. One day, one of the old gods, the god of sea and storms, fell in love with the princess. " The shadows of the god and the princess appeared between the lights, they were dancing close to the shore of the sea. "But a god cannot stay in our world for a long time and he had to leave."

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