Chapter 6

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After some hours of travel and with the night near, we decided to camp in a clearing next to a river. We need water and the men take a bath. Their smell was starting to get strong, especially Basto's. He still had blood and mud stains all over his body. His clothes weren't better.

Ludovica had tried to get him to change his clothes, but he refused. She didn't understand the reason but it was obvious, the clothes were enchanted to change or disappear when he shapeshifted. I would have liked to analyze them in more depth. The magic from the forest is almost unknowing, even for me.

Ludovica approached me. "My lady, you have an idea, do you?"

"Well. I was thinking of a bath for the boy."

"Men won't be happy."

"I know but this could be a good opportunity to test the boy. If he walks, we will arrive in the citadel soon."

I had convinced the captain so that Basto could take a bath in the river. I had to use my most powerful magic, intimidation. The youth of the captain and my position were a big help.

Captain and I took the boy off the cell, chaining both hands of him to the captain. We approached the bank. A man of the captain with a flintlock was standing a few meters away, always pointing at him.

"Well. We'll let you take a bath in the river," I said but Basto didn't say anything or make a gesture of happiness. I tried to approach him; however, the captain got ahead of me and began to loosen the chain.

"This man is prepared to shoot you at any moment if you make a strange movement or try to escape, he will kill you with a bullet in your head. With these tattoos, you died immediately."

He was paraphrasing the speech that I had given him four days ago so that he'd be willing to accompany us. Basto was free but he didn't move.

"Let's go," I said and he went to water. "The intimidation wasn't necessary, captain," I whispered.

"My lady, may I speak freely?" I nodded. "It isn't my intention to contradict you, but it was very necessary. It's easy after this trip to see him as a poor child. I have to admit that I'm constantly assailed by doubts about our treatment of him. He looks similar to my son;" he said with a special bright into his eyes. "However, we both saw what he's capable of, he killed our men, and he almost killed you."

I didn't say anything, I didn't completely disagree with him. I preferred no further discussion of the matter. Basto waded into the water up to the knee, then he took off his shirt and started to clean it in the water.

His back was better, still had a lot of scars and probably they were there until he could make a complete shapeshift. He looked at his shirt after several rinses.

"If you want, you can pass it to me and I dry it for you," and I would have the opportunity to analyze the clothes' magic.

He didn't say anything, he left the shirt floating near to him. Then he pulled down his pants and underwear, staying naked.

"You son of a bitch. How do you dare? You have to warm up so the lady can turn around," Basto turned and looked at us. "What did I just tell you, turn around."

He obeyed and I couldn't help but laugh, not due to the Basto's situation but due to the captain's exaggerated reaction. Basto kept with the bath until we heard Ludivica yell from the camp. Something was wrong. I ordered the captain and his men to go to see what was happening. The Captain thought about it more than he should, especially because It was a direct order from me.

"Basto, c'mon put on your clothes, we have to go to the camp." I had been distracted thinking if my apprentice would be okay when I looked at Basto again. He was ready but he was looking at the other bank of the river. He had this look again like in the tower; fear, sorrow, and shame. "Basto, wait. Ludovica said the truth, I wanna help you. If you flee into enemy territory, they will hunt and kill you."

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