Part Two -Personal Experiences-

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    Spirituality is something i firstly came across at the age of 14. A group of friends mentioned a psychic, a 40 year old woman who claimed to be Jesus in his next life. Apart from that, she had even spread the word that the weather changes according to her emotions, she could even tell you who and what you existed as in your previous life. Another theory of hers was that the stars were a lie, and that they only appear when she's feeling happy.
     Being an early teen who had been convinced that god or any form of spiritual being was not something to believe in, i asked my friends if they actually supported what the woman was saying. Plus, accusing something that was proven to be true of being a total lie (the existence of stars as we know them today), made me question her reliability. To my surprise, all of them had positive answers and even booked appointments with the lady. Fortunately, she was the mother of a friend of theirs, so they did not have to pay in order to visit. After listening to their answer, i laughed in amusement. It was so funny to me how she could easily pass her theories to her "audience".
     The false accusations and the claim of her being Jesus was not all, though. The woman talked about another spiritual aspect that i had never come across before, and that was energies. The fact that every single individual on this earth carries a pack of energy, or even is energy. At the time, this first contact with spirituality seemed as a non worthy issue to dive into. I scientifically explained to my friends how stars do, in fact, exist, and that she could be spreading misinformation to young teenagers such as ourselves for various reasons, maybe to make a name for herself or make money.
    After this encounter i stopped dealing with the woman's shenanigans, and went on with my life. At that point, every religious/spiritual thing that was projected to me was a lie, a way for people to avoid feeling scared or alone, an escape, a glimpse of hope to hopeless people for the future. An example for this is heaven, whatever this means for every religion on this planet.
     It wasn't until the start of 10th grade, when i got into a romantic relationship with a boy one year older. The outcome was so devastating for me. It had affected me lots, which is totally unacceptable for a 15 year old girl. It was not something he did that i could point out at the time, but having reached a certain level in the spiritual community, i can confidently say that he was the so called "energy vampire". He could easily affect those around him with his negative aura. When i noticed the kind of people around him, i could feel their negative presence and motives (i must address that i confirmed my suspicions about those people's auras by asking other spiritual individuals around me).
     When the situation with that energy vampire ended one month later, i felt the worst i had probably been until that point. Feelings of desperation, guilt, obsession, sadness and insecurities had taken over my mind. My friends could also see my condition, but helped and encouraged me with their delightful personalities and useful advice.
      It was like a miracle how a vast amount of tiktoks, posts on other social media apps and youtube videos that had to do with spirituality  started appearing on my screen.
    It all started with a simple guided meditation on youtube, on a cold December afternoon. The meditation was about chakra unblocking, and it really helped me at the time. I still listen to meditations every night before i go to bed because of how much it helps me fall asleep fast and easy.
    The next part of my spiritual journey was crystals. I studied their abilities which can be protection, love, luck, cleansing, grounding, abundance etc. Buying some for myself was my first step in the aspect of crystal spirituality. They need to be cleansed and recharged when out of  energy or full with negative feelings.
    Apart from that, i practised on tarot methods, and learning every card's' interpretation was a crucial step to understanding the meaning of a reading. I also watched lots of readers on youtube and their interpretations of cards and the way they spread their deck on the table. It was such an interesting experience for me and still is.
    I will say it again and again. Affirmations! They can be such a powerful tool to change your way of thinking and resetting what your brain thinks is a fact. Affirmations played a huge role on my spiritual journey. They helped me raise my confidence, self respect and realise my true potential.
Another spiritual aspect that this short book will cover, is information about energies. People, objects and rooms can all carry a certain type of energy in them. Its really useful to know when or how you can block energy drainers and protect yourself. Reading energies in the room is also very important. By that i mean acknowledging an individual's intentions with you and their general character.
Witchy stuff will also be included! Not everyone is into witchcraft, but would it hurt to lean a thing or two about it? Its believed that protection spells can really make a difference!
After those main topics, this book will cover other aspects of one's daily life that can turn you into a spiritual and awake person.

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