Part 4 -Positive And Negative Energy

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They are basically everywhere. In our homes, our work places or schools, trains, cars, even the food we eat. Strange right? Energy is extremely important when it comes to our mental health, thus why we need to be careful of who we let into our space and what we put in our body. I must say that you should not, by any means, get all paranoid about who you hang out with or what you consume. However, its good to have certain limits when it comes to those things.

So, what exactly IS energy? It can be described, in the simplest terms, as an aura. A feeling which you can intuitively get when surrounded by it. It can either cause positive, relaxing and reassuring thoughts, or feelings of anxiety, sudden sadness and anger. Imagine, for example, a person who has accomplished their goals in life, big or small, and are now living their desired life. This person has friends and family that uplift them, support and love them. You can already feel this individual's aura. It is clean and refreshing, happy and relaxed. On the other hand, think of someone with no desired accomplishments, surrounded by toxic people who either block this person's happiness or they're draining to be around. It is easily imaginable that the energy here is poor and unhealthy. I often like to imagine this kind of energy as a grey/black smoke or a black liquid which covers the individual we talked about. It is never easy to describe the concept of energy, since everyone views it in a different way.

It is of great importance to know the influence it can have on us. Everything we do, even the smallest things, can cause a state or positive energy around us. A loving, happy and calm environment is what everyone should aim for. That can be achieved by simply making a cup of your favorite drink, or maybe cleaning up your space. It is mind blowing how a clean home/room can shift the place's aura. Have you ever changed your bedsheets, had a shower and then lied down on the freshly made bed with a cup of hot chocolate? It is not a major thing like winning the lottery, but it surely can make one feel cozy and loving! Another way to surround yourself with a positive aura is by the friendships you make. A lot of amazing people out there can inspire and support you, you just have to find them. Pure energy between two or more people, that have no bad intentions at all, is the most refreshing thing out there. It is surely not easy to spot them, but when you do, i guarantee it feels like a big blanket of luck and love has covered you and is warming you up when you need it.

Avoiding the opposite of all these is crucial. I once had a friend, whom we will refer to as Ann. We used to hang out pretty frequently for a year, and the impact she had on me and our other friend was crazy. Ann always liked to surround herself with sad stuff, like sad music and movies on a daily basis. Of course it is normal to listen to sad pieces and watch a sad movie or two, but as I previously mentioned, when overconsumed, it can be draining for one's mental health. When Ann and me were together, she would always bring up those draining habits of her, or how she had another fight with a parent or a friend. Me and my friend sat and listened patiently, it is normal to vent after all. But then it came to my notice how my mood was constantly ruined when I got back home. And that is exactly what we call an energy vampire.

Energy vampires are harder to recognize, but they sure are a lot. Those people are mostly attracted to positive energies and almost every time I have come across one, they don't have good intentions at all. An energy drainer can either make you feel and think like them or even act the same way they do. That is not always the situation, though. Sometimes an energy drainer does not even understand they can be exhausting even if they try to be positive. If a person like this is in your life, kindly confront them about it. Discussion and confrontation is the key to a better relationship of any kind, and preferably the first step you take in order to solve any issue. However, sometimes the other individual wont be able to change their behavior, and at this time it is advisable to step away. It is even worse when listening to your opinion is not an option. At this point there is not any reason for you to keep dealing with their negativity, is there?

Negative energy is not just around people. It can be found in processed foods, music, movies, certain places and areas, as well as objects and clothes. Negative energy is the stuff we eat is mostly in unhealthy edibles, such as fast food and candy. Personally, I find myself feeling great after a nourishing dish, even in big portions. Just knowing that what you ate is going to benefit your body, is an important step to our aimed state of aura. Music, movies, videos, even books can disturb one's uplifting energy. I once read the first thirty pages of a book, and its details of the brutal story made me stop reading. I strangely had a bad feeling for the rest of the day, and even had nightmares. After that I gave the book away to my boyfriend, who seemed to like it. Everyone's limits from being okay to upset are different, so he did not have any issue with the plot of the book and he kept his positive energy while reading it. For myself, those limits were more fragile so I was called to interrupt my reading. It is easier to feel energies when it comes to places, buildings or rooms. For example, being in a cemetery is never uplifting. It brings out a sense of sadness, a longing feeling even for all those who were placed in that area. Being in a hospital is not exactly a happy energy generator either. That is because all of the injuries, the physical pain and the feelings that come with them, are all negative. A large number of the Auschwitz museum have reported that the moment they stepped in the area, an uneasy feeling had taken over their mind. The terrible things which took place in the time of the holocaust have brought up such a negative aura that, although its worth visiting, will never come off. The museum also includes rooms with glass walls, where shoes, pants and tops, clocks and suitcases have been piled up for people to see. Those as well carry a load of energy in them that all visitors can sense.

I obviously do not suggest not to listen to sad tracks or watch sad films, but it is recommended not to consume them daily without balancing them with uplifting music/film content.

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