Chapter 1

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Amelia's POV  -

I feel like my entire life has been leading up to this moment. Never in a million years, did I imagine I would be signing for Arsenal on a three-year contract... Ever since I lost my Arsenal mad father at aged 15, I knew this is what I was meant to do, and he was going to help me from wherever he was. 

"I'm so proud of you, but are you sure this is what you want?" Enzo said to me. Enzo has been my boyfriend for the last five years. I met him just after losing my dad, so to me, he was my soulmate. Yeah, we had our problems, but I loved him, and I knew that's what my dad wanted. 

"I'm sure" I smiled at him. "This is what dad would've wanted, and I can feel that this feels like home already. I'm so excited." We walked hand in hand to the doors of the Emirates, and I took one big breath. "I'll see you in a few hours. I can't believe the next time you see me I'll be a gooner!" I kissed Enzo softly on the lips. "I'll text you when I can, I love you." "Yeah, love you" Enzo looked at the ground and said slightly hesitantly. I knew he was unsure of this because of the distance that will soon be between us, but he'll come to terms with it.

I went through the doors fighting back tears. I was so proud of myself for getting here, while it felt like I'd been working this for long, I couldn't believe this chapter of my life was finally happening. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a smiling Jonas waiting for me by reception.

"Ah, Amelia! It's a pleasure to finally meet you. How are you?" he smiled. "I'm amazing and so happy to be here, thank you. Super nervous though" I giggled slightly rubbing the back of my neck. Jonas put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me "You will fit in here so well Amelia. Everyone is so excited to have you here, your talent at your age is insane and we are so lucky to have you on board with us. Follow me we will go and get you sorted!" I followed Jonas to a room where I signed my contract and spoke with him for a while. Once all of the pictures were over and done with, he took me to the kit room to put on my new Arsenal gear. 

"I'm really sorry Amelia, but I have someone else in to sign a contract. You know Alessia Russo?" I turned and looked at him sharply. "You mean... THE Alessia Russo?" My eyes widened. Jonas laughed at me. "Yes, the Alessia Russo. You not been on twitter?" He laughed. No, I hadn't.

Suddenly, a tall blonde appeared by my side and put her hand out to shake mine. "Hi, Amelia, right?" It was Leah Williamson. "I..uh yeah hi Leah nice to meet you" I said with my voice shaking. "Wow, no need for an introduction then. How are you feeling?" she smiled at me. "Yeah, good, just nervous. I've been supporting Arsenal for what seems like forever and now I'm stood near you all it feels like a dream." Was that too fan girly of me? For fucks sake. "A true gooner. I like it" she winked at me. "I'm going to give you a tour if that's okay. Meet some more of the girls, see where we'll be playing, sound good?" "Yeah, I'd love that."

After an hour, I'd seen the beautiful pitch I'd be playing on and the luxurious place I could now call home. I did some more media with the team, filming some shots of me on the pitch ready to go on the Instagram tomorrow. I met so many of the girls, and they were all super nice. I was one of the last signings, so the season was about to start pretty soon. I had a couple of days off before pre-season started, as the girls were about to head off to the world cup. I hadn't had my call up yet as I'm only 20, but one thing at once, right? I got my phone out to text Enzo that I was nearly done and to meet me out the front soon.


A: Done pretty much, see you in a sec xx

E: Ok.

I said my goodbyes and shared out some hugs to the girls. "Good luck at the world cup guys, you'll smash it" I said smiling. Just as I was about to leave, Alessia appeared from the office with Jonas. I stood there, looked her up and down and all I could say was "Oh my god." Alessia gave me an awkward giggle and came over to me. "You must be Amelia, it's great to meet you" she said. Her eyes, it was like looking into the sea which was one of my comfort places. Her beautiful blonde hair and how it sat around her shoulders, and her cute button nose which was painted with freckles. "Yeah, it's great to meet you. You're at Arsenal" I said, starstruck. "Yeah, so are you. Did you know that?" she laughed with Jonas. I had nothing to say. At all. "Yeah, just." I scratched my head. "I've got to get going, have fun and good luck at the World Cup. You'll smash it" I said before leaving out the glass doors.

I wasn't met with a happy boyfriend, more of a pissed off, face like a slapped ass boyfriend. "What the fuck was that?" Enzo said to me. "Huh?" Is he alright? "You looked at her like you were in love with her, what you sign for Arsenal, and you turn into a lesbian in a couple of hours?" My mouth dropped open and I looked at him with shock. "You fucking what?" I flicked my long brunette hair out of the way and stormed across the car park to my car. Thats what I get for finally reaching my goals?

Alessia's POV  -

"You looked at her like you were in love with her, what you sign for Arsenal, and you turn into a lesbian in a couple of hours?" I heard from outside of the doors. I moved my head slightly and saw Amelia stood outside the doors with who I could only assume was her boyfriend. She looked taken back, and I watched her storm across the car park. I looked at Jonas who was also looking at me. "Causing trouble already, Russo?" Jonas laughed at me. I raised my eyebrow and let out a little laugh. Amelias boyfriend looked at me through the doors and I shook my head dramatically, so he got the message. His face dropped again as he went to follow Amelia. What a dick.


Authors Note:

Hey guys! This is my new book as I fell out of love with my other one. I hope you enjoy. My other book will remain up in case you want to re-read where I got up to!

Sorry, this is a little slow, I promise things will pick up! Comment any suggestions you may have.

Acavia <3

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