Chapter 8

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Alessia's POV -

I had just cooked myself some chicken pasta and sat at my table to eat it. I had one hand on my forehead, and one with a fork in it. I felt so unusually numb, and I couldn't help but replay last night and my kiss with Amelia on repeat. It was stuck in my head, and no matter how hard i tried to shake it out, it didn't want to leave. I felt so guilty telling her to give me space, but I knew it was what I needed to allow my feelings to come together and work out what I really wanted. I knew it was Amelia that I wanted, but i couldn't accept that yet.

Just as I stood up to go clean my bowl, I got a call from Leah. I pressed decline, I wasn't in the mood for this right now. I placed my phone back down on the counter, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a text come through. 

Leah: Alessia, go to Amelia's house now.

The sternness in Leah's tone was unusual and not something shed do outside of training. Let me tell you, that girl is scary when she wants to be. Subconsciously, I started to hyperventilate, and I managed to find the call button between my shaky fingers. Was all of this my fault? Had she done something? A wave of guilt overcame my body as I rang Leah back and after only one ring she answered. "What's the matter?" I asked Leah. "Look, I'm not gonna tell you the details. Amelia needs you, but she didn't want to call you because you wanted space. I know what's going on between you two, she's told me everything. Less, she needs you. Please just go, well talk about everything else another time." She told Leah. I guess that should be the last of my worries right now. "Yeah, okay, I'm leaving now. Thank you mate."

I grabbed my keys from the side table next to my front door and locked it behind me as quickly as I could. My girl needed me.

Amelia's POV -

I was laid in my bed on the phone to Leah, just begging her for help.  In all honesty, I just wanted to call Alessia, but I didn't want to invade her space she said she needed. "Amelia, i'll call you back in one second darling okay, stay in your bed and wait for my call" Leah said in a soft voice to me. "Okay Lee, thank you" I sniffed. I laid there lifeless in my bed. The constant jabbing pain under my eye was all I could focus on, but I couldn't bring myself to look after it. 

What was probably minutes felt like hours. I was drowning in my own tears, my hair dripping with salt and my eyes more puffed than ever. I could feel my entire face burning up, but the rest of me just felt cold. There was a knock at the door. I froze, grabbed my phone, and went to call Leah. I couldn't answer it, I didn't know who was there. Shit, did I lock the door? I heard the door open slowly and footsteps coming up the stairs and began to panic, pushing myself up against the wall in my room praying that this time Enzo wouldn't hurt me. Maybe this time he'd apologize, maybe this tim- 

"Amelia?" A soft voice said as they reached the top of the stairs. "Less?" I sobbed quietly. Alessia opened the door slowly and peered her head into my room. Her eyes widened and I watched her face change from concerned, to confused, to angry, and back again. The blonde figure was stood in my doorway with her mouth wide open, struggling to find the words to say. She walked slowly and cautiously towards me, without wanting to scare me, and pulled me onto her lap and just cuddled me. I began to sob into her neck, to which she said "Amelia, what happened? You're safe, talk to me." Her genuine kindness and softness in her voice made me feel so ease, but I was so thankful to feel safe I just cried even more. As she rocked me back and forth, I began to string words together. "Enzo, he hit me" I said. Alessia leant back to look me in the eyes as i saw a small tear leave her eye too. "Amelia I'm so sorry" she said, looking at my eye. "I'm going to get you an ice pack okay, do you have one in your freezer?" I just nodded, and she left the room.

She came back, laid me onto her lap and wrapped me up in a blanket. My head was positioned perfectly for me to just look up at her and appreciate her. She softly put the ice pack on my eye and pouted at me. "Why didn't you call me?" She said, her voice shaking. I could tell she cared, a lot for that matter. "You wanted space Alessia I didn't want to overstep" I whispered. Her face dropped with guilt. She sat me up slowly and looked me straight in the eyes. My body began to do backflips as my face was so close to hers, this was the best I'd felt all day just because she was here. "Amelia, If you need me, you call me. I'd drop everything for you. I'm so sorry" Alessia said to me, pulling the ice back from my bruised eye and looking at it closely. "This looks painful, is there anything i can do Amelia?" Alessia said, rubbing her thumb over my chin. "Stay?" I said with hope. A single tear slipped from my eye, to which Alessia wiped it and said nothing but smile and lay down. She moved me so i was lying next to her, with my head on her chest. Her hand met mine, and she held it tightly.

We laid there in silence, just appreciating each other's company for around an hour. Alessia kept the ice on my face, she had held it there for an hour now. As much as I felt safe and at ease, I was playing different scenarios in my head on what I wanted to say to Alessia, and when. I couldn't keep quiet anymore. I moved my other hand and pulled the ice away from my face. "Bit cold now?" Alessia said to me, with a little smile. "Yeah" I looked deeply into her eyes, and she did the same to me. "What are we doing Alessia?" I said, letting go of her other hand and rolling over to face her. "I don't know Amelia, I don't know" she said. I sat up, as did she and just looked at her. "I can't pretend anymore Alessia, I really like you and i understand if you don't feel the same it's just that -" Alessia grabbed my face and pulled me towards her. Her lips lingered in front of mine for a few seconds, I could feel the heat from her face radiating onto mine. My eyes looked down at her lips, and I closed the gap that was between us. She kissed me so softly, not wanting to hurt me anymore than I had been already. Her hand travelled round the back of my neck, as she pulled me closer. I could smell her perfume so vividly as our tongues danced in each other's mouths. Alessia pulled back, smiled at me and gently kissed my eye. "You're a good kisser, Robinson" she winked at me. "Not too bad yourself, Russo" I giggled. That was the first time today I had genuinely smiled... and it was all because of Alessia.

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