Chapter 1- Kidnapped

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Lexi's POV:
"Bye Mom!" I screamed while walking out the door. "Ugh, can I have a ride to school, Lex? The bus missed our stop!" Ava said, walking down the driveway. "My car's in the shop, remember? We're gonna have to walk to school" I said.

Ava is my sister. She's 15, which only makes her about 2 years younger than me. "Ugh! How come mom can't drop us off?" she complained. "Because she'll be late! Don't complain! School is only like a mile away! C'mon, I'll race 'ya!" I said.

She has always liked to run. We both do in fact. We're both on the track team and we love it. It gives us something to do. "Oh, you are so on!" she said, getting in her ready stance to run. I got in my ready stance and counted down. "3......2......1!" I screamed.

We both jolted toward on the road. I got to admit, she was fast but I was still close to her. Once we started to get close to the school, I got in front of her and ran as fast as I could. I looked at my watch. It read 8:29. Shit, we're gonna be late! Class starts at 8:35. When I went even faster, I heard my sister fall.

"Ah shit! Lex, I think I might've broken my ankle!" She cried. I ran back to her and helped her up. She cried in pain while trying to walk. I put my arm around her and helped her up the stairs to get into school. I brought her to the nurses office.

"Good morning girls! What happened dear?" she said, then turning to Ava. "We were racing to get to school and I fell" Ava explained. "Well, honey, you shouldn't be running in flip flops anyways! Well, I'll give your ankle a look and we'll go from there" she smiled to us. The nurse was actually very nice.

"Dear, what class are you suppose to be right now?" she asked me. "Um, English." I let out. "Well, you should be getting back to class now. I'll take care of Ava" She smiled. I let out a sigh. "Okay. Thank you. Bye Ava" I said walking out of the nurse's office.

I walked down the hall in tears. Mom is gonna think that this is my fault for having her run in flip flops and breaking her ankle. My mother always blames me for everything. I miss dad. He died in a car crash when I was 8. Mom hasn't been the same since. She started drinking, going out every night and got fired from her job. I was the one who took care of the house, took care of my sister and did my own stuff from 8 years old from 15 years old. Mom has gotten better but she still drinks.

I walked to my class and went in. Everyone started staring at me when I walked in. "And, where have you been, young lady?" the teacher snapped at me. "I had to take my sister to the nurse. She couldn't walk since she tripped and fell." I replied. "Well, that's a lame excuse. Sit down, Lexi" she said rudely. What a bitch.

*skip to lunch*

I've never really had any friends. I always sit with my sister at lunch. I walked into the cafeteria and sat with my sister. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I said softly. She shrugged. "She put a rap on my ankle and had me lay down for the rest of the period" she replied. I nodded.

"So, you're not going to be in track today, obviously" I said. "No. Mom's picking me up at the end of the school day" she said, eating. "Oh okay. I'm still going to track. Tell mom I'll just walk home after practice" I said. I love walking and I don't know why. "You sure?" she asked, confused. "Yeah, it's fine." I smiled. "Okay then" she shook her head. *ring ring* "There's the bell" she said, getting up. "Bye Ava" I said,
walking to class.

*skip to after practice*

"Bye coach!" I screamed to coach. I was walking down the steps. I felt like going through the park to get home today. It seemed like a longer way so I could think about school today. I walked down the street to go through the park and it was so peaceful and nobody was there. I walked past the park benches and saw "A+J" in the benches. I love couples.

It was starting to get dark outside and it looked cool to see the sun set. I was
staring at the sun when all of a sudden I heard branches moving. I looked behind me and nobody was there. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I screamed. No answer. I turned around to start walking again. I started to walk faster and then I heard the noise get closer and I turned around again to see that nothing was there.

"Hello?!" I screamed louder than before. No answer. I turned around to start running but there in front of me what a dark, tall figure. It rapped it's arms around me really tight and covered my mouth with a cloth and it smelled weird. "Welcome to my world, baby" the figure spoke. Just then, I slipped into darkness.
Hello! I'm a new writer to the Justin Bieber fan fiction gang 😂

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