Chapter 20

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Lexi's POV

Today is the day I'm being released. The nurse said to get as much sleep as I could for the next couple days and my doctor prescribed me pain killers for my neck. He seems to think I broke my neck. I have been having headaches for the past couple of days due to it apparently. He told me to take Motrin for my headaches too. Justin didn't agree with all the medications I was getting out on because he was sexually frustrated and he knew I'd be too drugged up for sex. He was cute when he was sexually frustrated. I giggled at the thought.

As I signed the last piece of paper for my hospital release, I smiled at the doctor.

"Thank you for helping me Doctor" I said.

"Not a problem, dear." he flashed me his pearl white teeth. "Mr. McCann should be outside the door" he added.

I nodded to the doctor and grabbed my bags . When I turned the corner, I saw Justin busy on his phone. He's been on that phone 24/7 ever since he was released. He never talks to me anymore.

"Hey baby" I said, trying to get his attention.

"Hey babe. Ready to go?" he said, putting his phone in his pocket, taking my bags and smiling to me. I nodded to him as we walked out of the hospital.


"So, what happened?" I asked on the way home.

He sighed and just shook his head.

"It was nothing." he said, stopping at a red light.

"Nothing?" I laughed. "So, nothing brought us to the hospital? Nothing almost killed the both of us?" I yelled.


"No, you don't get to tell me "it was nothing" because it was something!" I screamed.

"Lex, stop" Justin sighed.

"Why?! Because we're arguing about "nothing"" I said, putting air quotes around "nothing".

"For Christ sakes, Lexi!" Justin said pulling over and jumping out of the car. I followed him out, I was determined to find out what he was hiding.

"Tell me now, Justin! That's all I ask of you!" I yelled.

"Fucking Christ, Lex. Leave me alone!" he yelled even louder than me.

"Why can't you tell me?" I screamed.

"Because it's for your goddamn protection! Why aren't you getting that?" He yelled at me.

I just shook my head, jumped back in the car and put my headphones in.

It took him about 10 minutes to cool down and get back into the car.

Once he got in, he drove off and the rest of the ride was silent. Eventually, I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of chains clashing together. I open my eyes and all I see is darkness. The smell is horrible, it smells like dead and rotting flesh. Where am i? Where is Justin?

"Well, look who decided to wake up." the voice said. I knew that voice, and I thought I would never hear that voice ever again.

"Miss me?" the one and only Alex comes out of the shadows saying.


So that happened...

Again, I'm extremely sorry about the wait 😬

See you guys again soon.

I'm gonna end this story in a couple chapters. Sorry😩

I'm going to start a new story after it though so you guys aren't getting rid of me yet.

Have a nice rest of your day.

Thank you guys for sticking with me and over 1k reads💖

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