Chapter 8- Runaway Date

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*The picture above is Emily, which is Kendall Jenner*

Lexi's POV:

I woke up to the smell of bacon and the light beaming in front the window, with no Justin by my side. He must be cooking breakfast. I looked at the clock and it read "8:14am". I got up and put on some shorts and one of Justin's white tees. His smell filled my nose with delight as soon as I put the shirt on. I walked down stairs to see him at the stove, cursing at the bacon.

"Shit" he mumbled at the bacon, as the grease kept spitting at him. I was standing in the doorway behind him, trying not to laugh. He was listening to Chris Brown's "Loyal" and was singing to it. He was a good singer too. He turned around, only to be stunned to see me. "Good morning" I smiled. He smiled back and made his way over to me. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards him to kiss him. We kissed and it was like no other. There were sparks. What is happening? It felt like hours we were like this. Finally, he pulled away and stared into my eyes. He must have felt it too.

"Good morning, princess" he said. "You hungry?". "Yeah. Starving" I said, sitting down. He put a plate full of food in front of me. On the plate, there was bacon, toast, sausage and an omelet with ham and cheese. "Oh my god, Justin. This is a lot of food and it all looks delicious. Thank you" I said looking at him. "You're welcome beautiful. While we're eating, I wanted to bring something up" he said. Uh oh, what now? Is this why he made me breakfast, to kiss my ass to do whatever he wants? "What is it?" I said, taking a bite of my bacon. Oh my god, it's delicious.

"Well, when Chaz came over last night, he was telling me about this girl named Emily that he kidnapped-" Chaz kidnapped someone as well? "-and he suggested that you and her meet and we'll have a double date" he said, eating a part of his omelet. Are they insane?They think we're not gonna try to make up a plan to escape from them? Wow. "Sure. I'd love to" I said, keeping my calm. I'm leaving. Tonight.

I looked at the clock after doing my hair and makeup and it read "6:55pm". 5 more minutes until I met this girl. 5 more minutes until we become friends. 5 more minutes until I met my runaway partner. I heard a knock on the door and see Justin appearing into the bathroom.

"Hey beautiful. Whatcha doing?" he said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Just finishing up my makeup" I said, smiling.

Just then, we heard the doorbell ring. This is it. It's time to meet her.

"c'mon" Justin said, grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs.

Justin opened the door and showed Chaz and Emily. She's tall, very gorgeous, thin and has brown hair. She's wearing what looks like Chaz's hockey jersey with black leggings and white converse. She looked petrified.

"Hey man" Chaz said to Justin, and doing their bro hug thing. "Lexi, this is Emily. Emily, this is Lexi" Chaz said, introducing us. She nodded. "And this is Justin" he said, pointing the Justin. She nodded again. "Chaz, I wanted to show you the new game station I got" Justin said, pointing downstairs to the basement. "Oh okay." Chaz said, following Justin downstairs, leaving me and Emily alone.

"So, you're Emily?" I asked. She nodded. "You don't talk much do you" I asked. She shook her head. I looked at the shut door and tried to get her to listen to me. "Look, we don't have much time. We need to figure out a plan to escape" I said, catching her attention. She smiled.

After dinner, we all went to the couch and decided to watch a movie. "What do you guys wanna watch?" Justin asked. We all shrugged our shoulders. "Hey Justin?" I asked. "Yeah babe" Justin replied. "I wanted to show Emily around the house real quick. We'll be back" I said, looking at Emily. She nodded. "Okay" he said, not looking at me.

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