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*Travis's p.o.v*
It all happened within a moment of seconds. I flipped Lily underneath me to protect her when I heard the gunshots. The sounds of people screaming and running filled the room below and I found something wet on my hand. I looked down at Lily and saw three bullet holes. One in her chest, two in her stomach and she was bleeding rapidly.

I had picked her up and ran with her down the stairs to Marcus's car who sped off to the hospital, Lily was cradled in my arms and I was trying my best to hold as much pressure to her wounds as possible.

"Open your fucking eyes baby" I said

Lily did as i said

"Keep them open" I said

"It's cold" she said trying to shut her eyes

"Open baby, don't you fall asleep on me"

She started to shiver. Her body was giving up.

"Why the fuck did you do that baby?" I asked

"I love you" Lily said

"Don't fucking say that and die on me. You stay awake and tell me when you're in recovery do you understand?"

"Yes" she responded

But then blood started to come out of the sides of her mouth and she went to close her eyes.

"DRIVE FASTER" I yelled at Marcus as I wiped the blood from her mouth.

"Thank you for everything Trav" Lily splattered out and closed her eyes.

"Lily I need you to fight baby. You can't die on me" I said

She gurgled and so I tilted her head so the blood could come out of her mouth.

The second Marcus pulled up, I slammed the door open and ran into the hospitals emergency room, doctors immediately surrounded, I laid her lifeless body on the gurney and they rushed her away to surgery. My clothing was covered in blood. I collapsed into a chair in a waiting room. I had felt her pulse start to drift away.

My girl had jumped in front of bullets aimed at killing me. I don't know why I had a hit out on me but that wasn't the point. Lily had shielded me with her tiny body and took three bullets in.

And then had the audacity to say I love you and attempt to die in my arms.

Lily's surgery was still going even after five hours. Her blood had dried on me. A nurse had come over to me at some stage and she asked me if I had any injuries. I didn't respond, why would I? I wasn't the one in the surgery. I was fine.
Mason came by. He had a stoic expression.

He had a bag of clothes for me.

"How is she?" Mason asked

"I don't know" I said. My first words in hours

"Go wash the blood away; change your clothes"

It was already nearly 6 in the morning.

I stood up and I went to the bathroom down the hall. I saw myself in the mirror. No wonder that kid was crying earlier.
I got rid of my bloody clothes and washed all my arms down and changed clothes.

When I got out, it was only 20 minutes later and a surgeon came down the hallway and opened up the door to the waiting room.

"Lily Wilson?" He asked

I stood up immediately and went out the doors with him. I couldn't stand not knowing where my girl was. If she was alive.

"The surgery went well. There was a lot of damage. The first couple of bullets hit her major organs. We had to do some repairs to her small intestine, we needed to take out her kidney as it was damaged. She lost a lot of blood and the third bullet had just hit under her heart. There was some major damage to that area so she had open heart surgery to stop the bleeding" The surgeon said

"Is she alive?" I asked

"Lily fell into a coma. At this stage, we don't know if she will wake up. She's got machines breathing for her and keeping her alive. She's still got brain activity though so that's a good thing"

"Can I see her?"

"Yeah. Follow me"

I walked down to the lift with him. He took me up to the 17th floor and it was the ICU. Right down the hall, there was a door which Lily was in. My heart started to pick up and it felt like it was going to burst.

He opened the door and I felt nauseous the second i saw Lily. She was in the bed, propped up just a little bit. There was a tube coming out of her mouth, cords everywhere. Her arm had the IV, giving her fluids.

I sat by the bed and I touched her cold hand. The room was filled with the sounds of the breathing machine, the beeping from her heart rate.

"You better wake up baby girl" I said squeezing her hand. "I can't do this life without you"

At some stage that day, I fell asleep in that awful chair, my hand still plastered to hers.

Over the next two days, the girls from the bar had come by, my men came by to see what I wanted them to do but I didn't have the mental capacity to deal with it. My girl wouldn't wake up. The room was filled with flowers.

And I simply just didn't leave her side, even when they put her feeding tube in and emptied her bag from her catheter.

I thought she would of woken up by now. Apparently her brain activity was still there. It hasn't decreased which was a good sign.

So over the days, I just sat by her bed and I made sure she always had multiple blankets. I knew how cold she got at night especially.

And apparently according to Lily's nurse that there was evidence that coma patients could hear you. I didn't even know if it was true but I started to talk to her more. Tell her what was happening around her.

I didn't think I would still be sitting in the chair beside her bed a week later. Lily wasn't waking up, there were no changes to her brain activity. My girl was not waking up.

I absolutely lost it at a doctor when he tried to talk to me about pulling the plug on my girlfriend.
I was kicked out of the hospital for the night and I couldn't bring myself to go back to the penthouse because it was our space. Not just mine anymore and I'll be damned if I crawled into a bed that still smelt like her.

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