Chapter 3

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Author pov

''You two here'' gemini ask, seeing fourth and bogum. ''Well we want to meet you two'' fourth give force smile seeing book. He force me to come ''bogum say and fourth glare at him''. But we meet some hour before gemini confusedly say. I just want to meet you so, i come he say again with force smile.

''Ok gemini and hyeri i will go and don't forget to call me'' now we have each other number book smile at them. Ofcourse we will not both of them smile at him. Ok i will go ''he pat at their heads and go from there in his car''.

Let's go inside gemini say to fourth and bogum who is glaring at book car. Both of see at front and go with gemini and hyeri inside the house. Well they are amazed by house because ''it is beautiful and no one can imagine here mafia work done''.

Who is he fourth ask as soon as they sit on the big sofa. He... you mean phi book gemini ask. Phi fourth ask and gemini nod his head. Well he is older then me. I am also he point at him. But you are my husband gemini innocently say (a/n: how this clueless and innocent man is mafia)

''Whatever tell me'' who is he and what is your relationship with each other ''fourth ask with annoyance''. Our, business partner gemini answer. But you see too close fourth is still annoy. Because we know each other for long time that's why. I think when ''i and hyeri 12'' and ''he is 18'' gemini see towards fourth who is jealous thinking about their closeness.

''So does he like you, fourth ask'' and soon gemini shake his head. What about you does he like you bogum ask hyeri also shake her head. Don't worry he is already married and ''we see each other like siblings, hyeri say'' and gemini nod with smile. Hearing this both are relief but not fully.

Why you both come here gemini ask them. Well we want to meet you thats why fourth did not see towards gemini. Are you sure, gemini ask with raise brow and fourth awkwardly nod his head. They are just talking when gemini one man come with ''bloody hands and clothes''.

Seeing him make ''both fourth and bogum terrified''. Both look at each other with a gulp. ''Sir he is dead''. ''What we do now his man ask''. ''Wrapped him like a gift and give it to his family, gemini say'' and that man go with a nod.

Well i know you never kill innocents then ''what is the reason to kill him'' fourth still terrified. Gemini smile at him and say, ''he abused his wife and children very badly''. In xxxxx road there is a box in which people write their problems. If, the problem is qualified then we start our work.

Fourth just hear everything with a great concentrate. You are cute gemini ruffle his hair with chuckle. ''Wow how good they look with each other''. ''I am gonna die seeing them like this. Oh my gosh! i have to control myself hyeri start fangirl overing them''.

Well now i have to go back take care of yourself fourth also pat gemini head with smile, ''who is shocked seeing fourth give him affection''. Hyeri is jumping and try to control herself seeing then like this. Oh my gosh! How cute they are see try to calm herself.

Are you become crazy. Why you behaving like this bogum ask with straight face. You don't know this feeling ''mr bogum''. When you will know then you feel how i am feeling now hyeri say without looking at bogum and look at fourth and gemini who are lost in their own world.

Bogum rolled his eyes when he did not get attention. He with staright face pull fourth forcefully and take him to car. Fourth try to loose from the hold but can't. ''Gemini and hyeri awkwardly say goodbye to them''.

Yah why you pull me like this fourth glare at bogum when they sit in the car. Because you are too lost in your world. You say you have not feeling for gemini but see ''how much jealous you are and good you being to him''. Fourth roll his eyes and say same goes to you. You say hyeri is just mere attraction to you but you also being jealous.

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