Chapter 9

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Author pov

Gemini is serving breakfast to everyone with silence which is killing them hardly because the cold aura surrounded around him. "Everyone is scared of gemini silence because he always wish them and serve them food with happy face".

When gemini is gonna sit the bell ringed and he has to go to open the door. Yah! say sorry to him, his silence is killing all of us bogum say and everyone nod their head. He is scary, "fourth make a scared face". Everyone just rolled their eyes.

Even though you are scared you have to talk to him. "You make him hurt so, you have to apologise," this time chen speak. Yes, phi fourth chen is right you have to apologise to my bestfriend hyeri say. I will try, "fourth gulp seeing gemini is coming here".

Gemini i wanted to talk with you, "fourth is shivering while talking to gemini". If you wannted to talk about yesterday night then i have no interest to listen. You already do what you have to do, "so i did not want to listen your explaination". Fourth can't say after listening gemini.

What is this? "fourth ask when gemini give him a envelope". Gemini shrugg and sit on the table. "Fourth open the  envelope and see a invitation card." He read the invitation card with full concentrate.

Who send the invitation? "chen take a bite from his bread". Well this is invitation from mr nuer and mr syn of their 4th anneversary party. He tell us to come with our partners. You also bogum fourth tell them. When is party? "chen ask with excitement". Well 1 month later fourth tell. If it is 1 month later then why give invitation now? "chen question".

"I think they give invitation before to their closed one," fourth say. Chen nod and mumble i have to buy clothes and shoes for party. "Phi chen whom you will take your partner," luo ask with some hope.

Ofcourse you luo. "I have no one other than you to take at party," chen pat his head. Really phi luo ask with excitement and chen nod his head. We will go shopping in my free time chen say and luo nod with a huge smile. Everyone smile listening both of youngester.

Then phi bogum will take me hyeri say with a smile. I have many people to take and i don't want to see your presence everytime and everywhere bogum speak without thinking.

"Wow mr bogum you are very good in breaking heart". As you say you will not see my presence in the party. Well today i will come late so other bodyguard will give you security. "Let's go gemini i have to discuss about something with you," hyeri go from there while gemini follow her.

"Did i speak too much," bogum see other who nod their head. You give me lecture that i hurt gemini. "Now see you hurt hyeri," fourth go from there. This time i messed up preety hard bogum say. "Indeed you messed up really hard," both chen and luo also go outside. Bogum cursed himself and with tired sigh go from there. 


"Are you ok hyeri," gemini ask seeing hyeri only busy with files without any talk or joke which she often do during their work. "You ask me this from car to till now," hyeri take a deep breath. Because today you are not like my hyeri, "gemini pat her shoulder". Your mood is also off today hyeri said.

I know he did not love me but he still can say that i am important than his crush but no he still can't move on from his crush gemini say with painful voice. "Gemini he say he is guilty and this did not come in his mind". You are more important than his crush hyeri console him.

If he will say himself then i will be better gemini say and hyeri just nod. What about you? "gemini ask with raise brow". I think to give up because my heart can't take it anymore hyeri say with cracked voice.

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