Chapter 6

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Fourth is sitting while, "thinking about his yesterday conversation with gemini". He never expect this reality. He is hating parents who abandoned their children for their own benifits. Such a jerk! people they are. They did not deserve to be parents.

Even though gemini tell me this much. He did not tell me whole truth. "There is more he is hiding from me. Don't worry he will tell like he say". He tell me this much then he will tell me more. He tell me he will not keep me in dark for long time. "If my parents accepted him as their son in law that mean they know everything about him". Aish! "i am gonna crazy thinking all of this he ruffle his hair in frustration".

He hear knock on the door. He know very well who is the person so he say come in but he did not expect other person to be here. Hyeri you are here, he see her with confusion. Hello phi am your assisstant new bodyguard. Huh but your job is--- don't worry phi i will handle both of it she cut his sentence in the middle. "Ok i believe you he smile at her".

So now i will be go mr bogum. If you need me just call me ok. Don't worry there are other bodyguards to protect you when i am not here then hyeri run from there. "Weird girl bogum mumble". You have meeting after 1 hour so don't be late bogum go from there. "Fourth sigh and start looking at files on his table".


So after betraying me for your crush you come here gemini sip his coffee. You know na reason gemini she hug his right arm. Yes yes i know thats why i am not that much angry from you gemini pat her head. You know gemini you are the best she kiss his cheek. Where is luo? "she look everywhere but did not find him".

He is getting training gemini sip his coffee and hyeri also take coffee from maid. Do you know he is taking interest in study when chen tutor him gemini smile at hyeri. I think only our chen can make him interest in study and he is best tutor to luo hyeri also sip her coffee. "You are right i think we take a right decision to choose chen for luo gemini tell".

Soon gemini got a call from book. He see hyeri who tell him to put in speaker. Hello phi book what happen? Why you call me? Is everything alright? Yes gemini everything is right. I wanna ask if three of you are free or not book ask from other line. Ofcourse phi we are free but what happen gemini ask.

Nothing i just want to spend some time with you three. "Ah ok phi we will also love to spend time with you". Ummm we will meet you at xxxxxx mall after 1 hour gemini see hyeri who nod her head. Thats fantasting ok then.

Gemini is going to cut the call when book speak. Actually yesterday in anger i tell about our past and that incident of gemini to my wife. I am sorry i say this in anger. Its ok phi you say because you are angry and your wife did not take it seriously, so there is no need of sorry. You are very understanding gemini. Ok then let's meet at xxxxxx mall book cut the call.

Well going out is good idea for refresh mind. We will tell luo also gemini say. Is it good a stranger know our past hyeri ask. She is not stranger but phi book wife gemini pat her head. "But she is like a stranger because of her behaviour". We should not judge her before knowing her completely. Let's go we have tell luo also about this outing gemini go from there followed by hyeri.


Book cut the call and he is happy that gemini take everything in positive way. It is good he calm himself book smile thinking it. When he turn back he see his wife in different outfit. Like she is going outside.

 Like she is going outside

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