Squares vs drapes

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After leaving the girls with Allison she then goins everyone and belbadear in front of the stage as ramona walks through the curtain with a smile walking up to the stage."hey, hey ,hey! Dig it all you help cats and cool chicks you know me Romana rickettes!"she says loudly as blase cheers with the crowd as the clap for her.

"Now let me introduce to you the cry baby combo, Milton, pepper, Wanda hatchet face"she introduced as each one steps out from behind the curtain as the crowd cheers as they go to there station just as they starts a beat"hi mom"Blases neice and nephew say to there mom waving.

Pepper blows them a kiss and a wink as they start of a beat "and now the baddest baby of them all, the man you came here for, the big boohoo, the terrible tear drop ladies and gentlemen, my grandson cry baby!"Romana introduced as crybaby walks out from the curtain with Alison making Lenora gasp in shock while everyone cheers loudly blade smirks before she claps along with the beat before giving Alison a hug as she walks over joining her and her grandparents.

Crybaby steps in front of the mic doing a little move pulling the guitar on his back to the front of him"well, one for all and all for one"he starts off as he starts to play his guitar.

"And all we want is to have some fun but squares, beware of our property yeah if you're lookin' to rumble,your looking at me cause I'm a king" he sings as the beat starts to pick up as blase cheers on her little brother as she rocks to the beat.

"King crybaby "the crowd and the band sing loudly.

"cause I'm the king "crybaby sings as his band sings along with him in the background "a king crybaby with a tear in my eye"he sings as the crowd cheers loudly as Lenora is shown sliding her underwear off"baby cry baby cry oh baby cry oh baby cry oh baby cry wow"he sings as the crowd cheers dancing to the beat "yeah i was born on the wrong side of the tracks"he sings just as Lenora throws her underwear at his feat on stage as Alison looks confused as blase girls at Lenora "in the backseat of a stolen Cadillac i had my first cigarette before i could walk and I was strumming this guitar before i could talk cause im the king well I'm a lonely king who needs a queen yeah shes the sweetest lump of sugar that I ever seen"he sings looking at Alison as Lenora cry's running off.

Blase excused her self following after Lenora "yo red chick"she says as Lenora turns to face her with fear as she was back up to a tree"next time you try to come at my brother I'll miss up your face more then it are is"blase says with a cold glare before pushing away as she walks off.

After the concert most of everyone was dancing and making out as blase was smoking a cigarette before she sees a red glow as she looks up as her eyes widen with anger there were the squares sitting her little brothers bike on fire.

Pepper havening notice too as she gasp"cry baby!!!"she calls out as the flaming bike makes it's way down the hill making everyone back away as it slams into the juice box before an all out war breaks loose as the squares and drapes clash.

Blase punches one breaking there nose before one grabs her from behind but she elbows them hard in the chest winding them blase then noticed one has her neice and nephew as Jason sees one about to hit his wife before decking him in the stomach "Romana!"she yells gaining the older women's attention before seeing a square man handling her grandbabies before throwing a saucer pan at him as she left wickedly freeing her grandkids but soon the cops show up making everything worse before guns were pointed at Blase making her hold her hands up as she was breathing heavily as anger boils with in her as she and Jason share looks.

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