Broken up family

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The drapes were brought to the court house as people in the court room where chatting amongst them selfs just as the doors burst open as three officers Mandy handled blaise"get your fucking square hand off of me!!!"she yells thrashing around as she was brought to the court room with the rest.

Alison saw her grandmother as her eyes widen as her grandmother mouth her to fix her hair before she was brought with the others in front of the judge who's bangs his gavel"order order in this courthouse"he announced making everyone go quite.

He leans back in his chair "what a sad vision of today's youth."he says as they all stand in front of him "the juvenile authorities have had it with drape gangs Milton Hackett, Wanda Woodward Moana malnorowski also known as hatchet face you are blights on this community are the parents here"he says.

Just then Milton's parents stood up"yes your honor we have been praying all night for our son"his father says holding a Bible in his hand.

"We've been praying so hard we've got headaches"his mother says.

Just then Wanda's parents stood up with smiles"hi Wanda honey "her father says.

"You were on the radio"her mother says with a smile.

"What would you just give me the fuck out of here"Wanda says annoyed.

"What does fuck me Hector"her mother asked her husband as Blaise raised an eyebrow how else would wanda be here she thought to her self.

"Oh Maggie it's just a teen nonsense word one that uses to make yourself feel all grown up"her father says.

"Your honor could we take Wanda the fuck home"she says as many gasp.

"Well damn"Blaise says to her self with a smirk as here family and friends laugh while Wanda was annoyed with her parents as the judge hammers his gavel"good god! Order. Order in this courtroom "he says.

Suddenly Milton's mom stars speaking in tongue"you hear that your honor it's a sign she's speaking in tongues God is in her gullet and he is in yours too let him out let the words of the Savior be heard"his farther says as he catches his wife helping her sit down .

"Order ! Order ! No wonder your children are in trouble"the judge says before he looks at hatech face."and you miss malnorowski... By the way that's a shame about your face"he says as hatchet face looks at him indifferent"there's nothing the matter with my face I got character"she says with sas.

"I see that your parents haven't taken the trouble to go to come and get you"the judge says.

"Oh yes we did "her father was heard as they turn and see a elder women in an iron lung and roughly looking male"you happy now mama you finally did it you put your own mother in a higher mom"her father says.

"Oh please it wasn't her fault that y'all fucking cigarette addiction did this take responsibility for your own shit"blaise snaps as crybaby lays a calming hand on her shoulder.

"Mrs malnorowski, there is no smoking in this courtroom"the judge says as monas father takes the cigarette out his wife's mouth as he takes a drag"why not I pay taxes on cigarettes don't tell her and what do I get for those taxes happiness hell no I get tuberculosis"she says just as a tire pops making her iron long tilt"oh Christ! Now I got a flat tire"she whines before the others turn back to the judge.

The judge stands up"I'm going to release these delinquents to their parents custody and if they were mine I'd give him a bare ass whooping"he says.

"Ohm, they can sing your honor you should hear them oh it's new it's exciting "remona says with a smile about the crybaby band as Blaise smiles her grandfather was right.

"We don't know what to call it it's sort of rocks, man, it spins let me get the right word twirls it twirls"belbadear says with a smile.

"Ramona and belvedere Rickettes I find you guilty of disturbing the peace and I find the both of you $1,000"he says a Blaise glares at the judge clutching her fist.

"But that's all we have"Ramona says with tears.

"How are we suppose to live"bevedere asked.

Just then peppers son spits a paper ball at the judge smacking him in the head"damn you handcuff those brats"he says as Blaise stands in front of her neice and nephew protectively as she's snarls"don't touch family!"before she was shoved into her little brother who catches her as two officers grab ahold of her kids.

"And you pepper walker, I'm going to have your two children put in the custody of The chatterbox orphanage until they're adopted by God fearing parents who at least will give them Christian names"the judge says before turning to an elder women "Mrs tadlock"he says as she comes over grabbing the children.

"Give my sister her kids back you bitch!!"Blaise yells going to lunge with the others but they are all held back.

"Blaise walker"the Jude says making the women turning to him with a hated glare"I can't put you back in jail after what happened last time but if you cause any more trouble it will follow in your parents footsteps with the electrical chair"the judge says as he then turns to her little brother "Wade Walker also known as crybaby what a sad and silly name for a young man you were the ring later and tonight's gang war "the judge says.

Alison turns to her grandmother"grandmother help him we were just singing together"she says as her grandmother as crybaby turns to the judge"just let Allison go and I'll take the full blame"he says before turning to Allison's grandmother"I didn't mean no harm Mrs Vernon Williams I may be a drake but I love your granddaughter and if that's a crime I'll stand corrected ma'am "he says.

Mrs Vernon Williams stands up"your honor I am Allison's grandmother and if Mr Walker does have musical talent I am willing to give him a second chance won't you the boy is at least polite"she aksed the Judge.

"Mrs Vernon Williams are you aware that there were negroes where present at tonight's disturbance"the judge asked her as Mrs Vernon Williams looks indifferent" my granddaughter is fond of all kinds of music"she says.

"I am going to release Allison this one time because you are a fine and beautiful woman Mrs Vernon Williams, but not you cry baby walker the only place you're going to sing is in jail I find you guilty of rampet juvenile delinquency and I hereby sentence you to to the Maryland training school for boys until you're 21st birthday"tye judge says as crybaby laughs with a smirk before the judge slams his gavel"Court dismissed lock him up"he says.

"You can't lock up his music!"Ramona says with a glare as officers grab crybaby dragging him away as Blaise cry's reaching for her little brother "no leave him alone!"she an the others push against the officer's holding them back.

"I'll get out sugar dumpling if it's the last thing I do!"crybaby shouts as he was dragged through the door as Alison has tears"crybaby!"she lets out with a heart shattering cry as blaze crys in anger as her husband and brother are taken away from here as pepper holds hee older sister with tears.

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