Chicken race

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It was night as the prison was shown with a stage as cameras were flashing as a bob wire fence separating the squares from the drapes. Blaze wore a dark emerald green dress with black lace with her hair pinned in curls as Jason holds his wife back as she shouts at the squares.

Remona wore a red tight spaghetti strap top with a colorful skirt with heels as her husband wore a red and black suit as he holds her back from jumping over the fence. Wanda had her hair pinned and curled to the side wearing a red dress. Hatchetface wore a nice floral dress with her hair pinned up in curls as Milton wore his leather jacket with a nice shirt and pants with shoes. Pepper wore a nice floral dress as well with her hair fixed with heels as her boyfriend wore a red blazer with a shirt and pants with shoes his hair jelled back.

They were shouting at the squares who all wore there formal dresses and clothes. As crybaby was shown wearing the outfit he had on from that night he was arrested with all the drapes as the gate was open as he walks through with the judge as they walk to the stage as Alison heart neck line Blac dress as crybaby greets her with a kiss on the cheek as all the squares boo.

The judge signals for everyone to quite down as he speaks into the microphone"cry baby walker society has given you a second chance your rehabilitated"the judge says as the drapes all cheer as blaze claps and cheers for her brother.

The judge then handed him his belongings "here is three dollars and 50 cents and a pair of clean underwear"he says as the squares continue to boo as Allison grandmother was shown in a floral dress and hat as she smiles bashfully at the judge.

"You think your a big man crybaby but your lower then yours and blazes dead father guess who pulled the switch on that jerk my grandpappy that's who. And every Christmas since my whole family gathers together and he re tells the story of the day he electrocuted y'all's daddy and we just laugh"Baldwin says as he and the squares laugh.

"Why you!!"blaze says lunging for him seething in anger as the others had to hold her back as remona calms her down.

"Let me punch his ugly face"hatchet face says punching her hand as the drapes cheer agreeing.

"It's ok hatchet your beautiful baby but I'll take care of this maggot do you know how to play the automobile game called chicken"crybaby asked Baldwin.

"Huh sure my car against your jalopy "Baldwin scoffs as the squares laugh."we head towards one another at full speed first one to turn tye wheel before we smash is a chicken."he says as his friends and lonora make chicken noises.

"Is that legal"the judge asked.

"Stop this insanity"Mrs Vernon Williams says.

"I got some new rules sucker how about me and you on top of the car"crybaby says as many people agree"I'm man enough you big crybaby "Baldwin says.

"That's Mr baby to you fellows of the press this chicken race Tonight is for mine and blazes daddy and I'd like to sing something in his memory something hillbilly something colored "he says making the squares gasp and cover there ears."something out dad would have loved"crybaby says.

He was then shown behind his car as gently music starts out as belvedere was behind the wheel"you call us hoods and say we've gone mad"he sings as he steps on to the back of the car as Baldwins was shown in the distance before the beat picks up as he lays on top of the hood "cause we feel so good when we're being bad we're high school hell cats"he sings as remona, pepper her boyfriend and kids with blazed stand around the car rocking there body's to the beat"high school hellcats almost grown come on and pick a fight I wish you would"he sings as pepper grabs her baby bump as blaze and remona hug her in worry.

"we love being bad"crybaby sings from ontop of the car.

"cause it sure feels good" they sing as remona opens the door as they help pepper in as blaze gets in the back with her while remona sits in front with her husband.

Mrs Vernon Williams rushes over to Baldwins car"Baldwin please be a gentleman and call of this race it's to dang"she pleades with him.

"Mrs Vernon Williams you were born a square you're going to die a square your coming with me"Baldwin says before his friends grabs her and put her in the car.

Allison was shown on stage dancing to the beat as some of the drapes play the music "yeah stand back look out were renegade teens friends of the devil but twice as mean we're looking for kicks we want them now we're gonna get them"she sings into the microphone.

"and we don't care how"all the drapes sing rocking there body's to the beat as the judge holds a pocket knife opening it as he smiles.

"were highschool hellcats almost grown highschool hellcats" they sing as Wanda, Milton and hatchet face wave the flags signaling the two cars to go.

"Come on pick a fight we wish you would we love being bad "crybaby sings.

"Cause it sure feels good "everyone in his car sings as pepper breaths through the pain a she was in labor as the car starts as it moves."it's gonna be alright pepper"blaze says to her little sister holding her hand in comfort.

Tire's squeal before the two cars drive off in speed towards each other as people cheer loudly.

"Well you lock us up in your schools we weren't born to live by rules"crybaby sings.

This is Vernon Williams sticks out the window trying to stop Baldwin "get down from there this minute"she says.

"Sit down you traitor "Baldwin says.

"when you say stop I say go yeah go! We're high school hellcats "crybaby sings.

"on our own"everyone sings.

"Crybaby!"Baldwin screams as Mrs Vernon Williams makes her purse at the driver.

"Wish you would we love being bad"crybaby sings.

"Cause it sure feels good!"everyone in the car sings as pepper screams as the last minute before blaze and remona gasp as she gave birth to the baby as crybaby smiles on top of the car. Pepper picks her her new brown baby as she smiles before turning to see her boyfriend with her kids as he holds a sign that says'will you marry me' as she smiles nodding her head making they smile before they rejoin the others.

"Congratulations pepper"blaze smiles at her little sister.

"USA the land of the free we should be what we want to be but everyone says we should be like them"crybaby sings.

"But we're highschool hellcats and we never fit in"everyone sings. Baldwins car was shown as this is Vernon Williams sticks out waving her arms"Allison help me"she cry's as dupree helps Allison down as she gets on his motor cycle but the skirt part of hee dress gets caught as it rips showing a shorter dress underneath as Baldwin screams banging his head against the hood of the car.

"We love being bad cause it sure feels good we love being bad cause it sure feels good "crybaby sings as the cars were getting closer now.

"Turn the wheel!"Baldwin says scared before the car makes a sharp turn into a barn of chickens as crybaby cheers loudly sitting up on the car he won as all the drapes cheer. Dupree goes over a whole making Allison flys into the air as she screams as everyone watches shown with a single tear drop as they smile before crybaby looks up hearing Allison scream as she lands in his his arms as everyone cheers as they smile tearfuly.

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