Headcannon part 1

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18 headcannons about the group

1. The group doesn't have a permanent world they can call home, meaning that they use hat kids ship to travel through dimensions, realities, and timelinento stay until it either gets destroyed or they have to leave.

2. They celebrate their birthdays by causing calamity and a party on a random world.

3. They are all ticking time bombs of built-up emotions, and although they try not to show it, they, on some occasions, get together to cry out their feelings while eating ice cream.

4. Frisk dislikes Omori for being too quiet, even going far as to always calling him 'the mute'.

5. Frisk will sometimes act violent towards the group with only Mabel able to reason with them.

6. Dipper only agreed to join this group when they offered to let Mabel in.

7. They also gave Omori a chance by saying they would resurrect her sister, but he declined, saying that:
"I think it's safer for her to stay in my headspace."

8. No one's safe from Soglhuthur's wrath and love to spread fear during Halloween month.

9. EvilMorty, Frisk, and Hat Kid had a war on who should take on the role of "planner of the group," which lasted 3 years and resulted in 10 destroyed solar systems before declaring morty the victor.

10. Omori is Omori. When the group asked him why they didn't call him sunny, he said: "I'm not him. That person died trying to run away from his actions."

11. EvilMorty and Soglhuthur are the only wanted criminals on a multi-versal scale, which would lead to entities and entire armies invading/destroying worlds just to search for them or kill them. This is the main reason why they never have a permanent home.

12. The group is rarely all in the same room, only gathering together for events, gaming wars, meetings, or pranks.

13. Soglhuthur(after gaining Forbidden knowledge), Dipper(cause of bills powers) and Evilmorty(cause of rick) are aware that they are fictional characters and although don't want to tell the rest, they're secretly searching for the author of this story.

『✡︎♏︎♋︎♒︎ ♑︎□︎□︎♎︎ ●︎◆︎♍︎🙵 ♋︎♍︎♒︎♓︎♏︎❖︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ⧫︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎📪︎ ⧫︎♒︎♓︎⬧︎🕯︎●︎●︎ ♌︎♏︎ ♒︎♋︎❒︎♎︎♏︎❒︎ ⧫︎♒︎♋︎■︎ ❒︎♓︎♍︎🙵 ◻︎❒︎♓︎❍︎♏︎📬︎』

14. The group did try to get therapy from different dimensions. Here's the result:

Omori: He ignores anything the therapist says and just stares into her soul.

Mabel: She's in denial. She doesn't want to trust the therapist words and has attempted to even burn them with her magic.

Frisk: They killed and mutilated every therapist cause they "tried to make me human again."

Hat kid: Like the snatcher, she hides her weaknesses under a sadistic nature and has threatened every therapist that made her mad with explosive potions.

Dipper: He feels much better. What, he has the most healthy mind set out of the group.

Six: she has eaten all the therapists.

Evilmorty: He agrees to it only to find excuses to not come or just never show up.

Luz/collector: They always argued on who should talk first before the therapist even got to start.

Soglhuthur: All of the therapists either became suicidal or fell into madness within an hour of talking.

15. Here's how each of them reacted to being told an alternate version of themselves:

Omori: When told about the infinite versions of "sunny," he asked for the version of him that didn't kill Mari. The whereabouts of that version are still unknown till this day, and Omori stays silent when asked about it.

Mabel: She gathered a bunch of versions of herself to have a big slumber party in a random world cause "only I can trust myself to have a fun party" the party ended with the world destroyed and Mabel coming back covered in blood, sparkles and confetti saying "happy birthday to me."

Hat kid: she's an alien space-time traveller. She has already seen a lot of weird things, including alternate versions of herself. Though she's envious about the versions of snatcher that are actually nice.

Dipper: Due to Bill's powers, he already knew about the alternate versions of himself but did have a mental breakdown during the process.

Six: First, she has a mental breakdown. After she asks if she could meet these versions of her, they become lunch.

Evilmorty: .......

Luz/collector: The collector gathered a bunch of himself to play a series of games while multiple Luz's were crying over an anime.

Soglhuthur: There are no alternate versions of her.... not anymore.

16. Sometimes, the group can hear a Hat kid silently crying in her, holding a picture of her and Bow kid while the snatcher whispers around her.

17. None of the group knows what Soglhuthur does when she asleep because she's not dream nor does she sleep.

18. Six will destroy any TV that shoes static.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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