Chapter 35

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"What do you need my help? Why can't Heimdall just find him?"

"Heimdall, is in hiding."


"Allegedly...he betrayed the crown and fled Asgard before his trial."

"Then how did you find me?"

Thor looks behind her and Rhi feels the hairs standing on the back of her neck, as she suddenly becomes aware of another energy in the room...a familiar energy.

It can't be...

Slowly she turns around and watches as Loki walks out of the shadows and into the kitchen dressed in his all black suit.

"Surprise." He says nervously.

Rhi walks to him holding her hand out. He holds up his hand for her. When their palms touch, she gasps as the familiar feeling of his energy flows through her as their hands glow a bright yellow. Tears uncontrollably start flowing down her face as they lace their fingers together.

"It really is you." She breaths

"In the flesh." He smirks

She then narrows her eyes and tilts her head to the side. "You died..." Loki tries to let go of her hand but she only grips it tighter.

He clears his throat. "Well...uh...not exactly."

"Talk!" She lets go of his hand and conjures her knife placing directly as his throat, her eyes flaring with her magic. "Or I kill you for real."

He chuckles nervously. "Still as feisty as ever I see."
She pushes the knife closer to his throat nicking it just a bit. "Alright! I faked my death and took Odin's place, pretending to be him."


"I left so you didn't have to be on the run and live your life. Not so you could go on a murder spree and-" Loki cuts himself off, as he realizes what he just said.

Rhi drops her knife and takes a step back, stunned at what he just said. "You kept tabs on me?" Loki doesn't says anything. "So, while you were in Asgard playing pretending to be a King, you sat back and watched me suffer! You watched every kill I made, every man I let fuck me, saw the nightmares that kept me up every night..."

She removes the illusion off her body to reveal the scars on her arms and legs. Loki widens his eyes in shock and sharply inhales at the sight of her. "...every single mark I placed on my body. All in an attempt to just feel something. And you didn't think that for one moment, I deserved to, at the bare minimum, know that you were alive!"

Loki still doesn't respond and continues to stand there in shock so Rhi walks past him and to her room.

Leaning against the door after it's shut, Rhi takes a moment to process everything that just unfolded as she quietly sobs to herself.

Her soul mate and supposed love of her life, was alive and back in her life. The numbness she felt, was finally gone, and yet...

If Loki had truly loved and cared for her in anyway, why would he leave her and let her suffer for so long.

There's a quiet knock at the door, pulling Rhi out of her thoughts."Rhiannon?" Thors voice softly seeps into the room. "May I come in?"

She opens the door and gestures for him to come in. Once the door is closed, Rhi wraps her arms around him and continues to cry into his chest.

"I apologize. Had I know the extent in which my brother hurt you, I would'nt have brought him here." Thor sighs as he wraps his arms around her and strokes her back in comfort. "We'll take our leave."

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now