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{ a few months later }

{ legolas's pov}

i walked around my room, i had been given a new, more permanent room in mirkwood by my father as me and estel wanted to be wed here, in mirkwood. aragorn and me now shared a room-officially- and the ranger had gone off to a meeting of some sort and should be back soon.

just then the door to our room opened and a very tired aragorn walked in, aragorn looked like he could fain right then and there and i ran to his side and helped him to the bed, the ranger sat down and laid back, his legs still over the edge.

" estel, whats wrong?" i asked and sat down beside him. 

" ugh... your father was being difficult with wedding plans..." aragorn groaned and put his hand over his eyes. 

" oh, i am sorry about him. he can be really stubborn when he wants to." i said and placed a hand onto aragorn's forehead.

" you don't say," aragorn said sarcastically.

i suddenly realised that aragorn's forehead was hot under my hand and  i gasped, " estel! you are burning up!" 

i did not get a reply from the ranger and i heard quiet snores come from him, i smiled at him, he was so cute just laying like that. i knew that aragorn needed sleep so i gently and carefully moved him so that he lay correctly on the bed before crawling in next to him.

{aragorn's pov}

i woke to a sharp, jabbing pain in my side and i practically jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom that was attached to our room and i emptied my stomach into the wooden bucket we kept in there for times like this. i was sitting on the floor and i leaned back against the wall. i hadn't been feeling the greatest lately but this morning was far worse than it had been before.i didn't feel like walking so i just crawled on all fours out into the bedroom, seeing my state legolas rushed over to me and i sat down and felt legolas rub my back. 

" not feeling well?" legolas asked softly and i felt better with him by my side.

" im fine." i said and i heard legolas sigh as i stood up.

" estel, no you're not. you need to take a break." legolas said and i cupped his cheek as the elf stood up.

" ill be fine nin las( my leaf)" i said and started to walk out of the room, only to be stopped by a hand grabbing my own.

" not so fast mister," legolas said as he spun me around and pinned me against the door.

legolas held me against the door to our room and he slammed his lips into mine, bringing me in for a hard kiss, i ran my fingers through his hair and kissed back just as hard. legolas's hand was tangled in my hair and my arm was wrapped around his waist.

" i love you." legolas said as he pulled away and i smiled at him.

" i love you too" i replied and opened the door and walked out.


{ a few hours later }

i had been walking for a while now, but all of a sudden it all went black as someone hit me in the head with a stone and my world faded into darkness....

{legolas's pov}

i slowly woke from the dark void to find myself surrounded by orcs, slung roughly over an orc's shoulder. it was dark and the band of the foul creatures stopped for the night as they  could barely stay on their feet and i was tossed onto the ground, i grunted as i landed with a thud. another orc came over and a limp body was tossed onto the ground a few feet away from him, judging by the clothes  it was aragorn, i shuffled over to the man with difficulty, as my hands and feet were tied. 

" estel?" i whispered and the ranger didn't reply, " estel?!" i whisper shouted and rolled the man over, aragorn groaned.

i noticed the blood that trickled down aragorn's face and lips and i saw that he had a gash on his forehead and guessed that he probably had a concussion. i ripped off a piece of the cloak that i wore and gently started to wipe aragorn's face off, as i was almost finished aragorn's eyes fluttered open to see me. 

" hello nin las( my leaf)" he whispered and i could tell he had intended to say it.

" hello meleth nin( my love)" i whispered back and i laid down beside him.

" las, where are we?" (leaf) aragorn asked mec and i looked around, i didn't recognize the area and the orcs seemed occupied.

" i....i don't know estel." i said and finished, " but at least the orcs are occupied, for now."

{ a few days later }

{aragorn's pov}

i was flung into the cell along with legolas, the orcs had finally arrived at their destination and i knew that whatever happened to us here, i would protect legolas till my last breath. an orc growled through the bars at the front of the cell, " our master will have some fun with you later." once he had turned back around i slipped out of the ropes that bound my hands and untied my feet, i crawled over to legolas and untied him. the elf sat up and looked at me, i gave him a weary smile.

" estel? how can you be smiling at a time like this?" he asked me and i pecked my lips against his.

" because im with the one i love most. i don't care where i am legolas, if I'm with you i know everything will be alright."i said as i pulled away.

" really?" legolas asked and he hugged me.

" of course." i said and i heard footsteps echo through the hall and near our cell.

i got to my feet and stepped in front of the elf, i saw what surprised me beyond anything, before me stood the white wizard, saruman. he calmly opened the door and stepped in, and locked it behind him. he noticed the elf and a crazed grin spread across his face, i noticed and tood a step towards him.

" you will not touch a single hair on his head, and if you try..." i growled and let my voice trail.

" What will you do, ranger?" the wizard said and he raised his staff.

next thing i knew i was sent flying into a wall and fell onto the floor, the breath knocked out of me, i managed to get up again and i glared coldly at saruman.

what will happen next????

and yes in this fanfic saruman didn't die.

hope y'all are liking this so far!!!

" E-Estel? where are you?!" (aragorn x legolas)Where stories live. Discover now