Chapter Two. Wednesday

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Lake Larson

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Lake Larson

Present Time


The worst day of the week. No wonder The Addams family named their daughter Wednesday. The only good thing it had going for it was I only had half the week left of school before the weekend.

I glanced at the test on the desk in front of me. My eyes blurred as the question multiplied like someone was spinning my chair in a circle. The pencil in my hand shook as I blacked out the answer card.

"Done," I whispered, looking up to see I was the last person in the classroom.

I stood from my desk, rushing to the front of the class to drop my work in the basket. Why am I even taking this class? Geography was prime education, but why am I forced to take a pop quiz on a book that had nothing to do with the world?

"How do you think you did?" the professor asked with a pen in his mouth.

I doubled back at the basket, looking at my paper. "I think okay," I replied with a frown smile.

"Oh, maybe next time you will study."

My jaw dropped as I picked at my fingernails. "Maybe," I replied, walking backward away from the teacher.

He nodded with a single wave as I turned, rushing out of the room. I could hear his huff behind me as I stepped into a crowd of students.

University of Eastern Washington. In my third year here, I walked to the only class designed around my future. Advanced Marine Biology was my favorite class on campus.

"Caw! Caw! Caw! Let's go! Eagles!" a frat boy yelled down the hallway, bumping into my body.

I rolled my eyes as he held my shoulders, not noticing me but making sure I didn't tumble to the ground. His eyes focused on the crowd behind me as he let go of me and walked away. He laughed, holding his hand out to another guy, looking for a fist pump.

"Sorry would be nice," I whispered, shaking my head.

I watched as he ignored me and wrapped his arm around a blonde girl, forcing her in his direction. With a huff, I darted to my class.

I sprinted around the corner too fast and ran into the back of a tall man. The backside of his blonde head gave away everything. Hudson Lee, the guy I had been crushing on for years, was tall, blonde, blue eyes, and in the same program as me. And entirely out of my league.

Me, Lake Larson, average, blending into the world. The average height, bland brown hair, and matching eyes. Everything about me was boring. Nothing about me shined.

"I-I," I stuttered while holding my nose in pain. "I'm sorry," I whispered and walked around him into my classroom.

Hudson walked in behind me, but this time, he acknowledged me. "Hey, it's Lake, right?" he asked, following me to the front seats.

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