Merry Christmas, Darling

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SURPRISE!!!! Welcome to the final (sort of?) installment of Choosing My Confessions. I say "sort of", because Snow Globe Moments is going to be an open ended section at the end of things.

These will be a collection of all the little moments of Gerard and Frank's beautiful life together. All of their little snow globe moments. For each chapter, I'll be sure to include what part of the timeline these moments are from so that you can piece them together.

I'm really excited to start this last little bit of the series, and I hope you love it as much as I do!

Thank you to Carley for forcing me to not delete this entire work, and thank you to Tiggy and Cher for being the best beta readers like EVER.

I am @pixie_revolver on twitter if you'd like to scream at me somewhere! <3


They barely make it out of Manhattan before the car makes a horrific clunking noise, and the heater shuts off. Frank pulls over, and opens up the hood so that the both of them can stare uselessly at the engine as if either of them have got a single fucking clue what they're even looking at.

The one conclusion that can be made, is that nothing is on fire. When Frank points it out, Gerard bursts into laughter, and they cut their losses to drive home in the cold. At least the car isn't making any awful noises, and, as Frank points out when Gerard complains that he's getting frostbite just for holding his hand on the gear shift, they're not billowing smoke.

Despite this riveting information, Gerard is still complaining when they pull into the driveway and walk through the snow to the front door. When he nearly slips on the top step, Frank laughs at him and calls it karma. When Gerard points out that he should be nicer to the man who just proposed to him, Frank snatches him by the front of his coat and yanks him into the house, where he promptly presses Gerard up against the stained glass hummingbird and kisses him deeply.

It's hard to keep their mouths connected as they both try to get out of their coats, and eventually they fail entirely because Frank is trying to slip out of his boots and falls forward suddenly with something akin to a yelp. What might normally be a sexy moment -the smaller man with his hands pressed against the glass on either side of Gerard's head- is made laughable in the way that his eyes are hugely wide and he looks terrified.

Gerard chuckles and kisses him lightly before putting his hands on Frank's hips to help him right himself.

"I almost died," Frank says seriously, taking the time to actually kneel down now. Gerard snorts but steps around his fiancé so that he can sit on the edge of the couch to get his own boots off before he puts them next to the shoe rack.

"And you call me dramatic," He scoffs, reaching down to ruffle a hand through Frank's hair. It's grown out a bit, curling just beneath his ears.

He looks up through his bangs at Gerard with a smile, "That's because you are. I never said I wasn't dramatic, I just said you were more dramatic."

Gerard rolls his eyes as he moves across the room to turn the heater on, and flip the lights for the Christmas tree. It sets a glow in the living room, and Gerard is reminded of just how beautiful the twinkle of them looks reflected in Frank's eyes.

"I think you're delusional," Gerard says casually, forcing himself to stop staring, and continuing his path through the house until he hears sock clad feet skid across the hardwood. He has approximately half a second to brace himself so that he doesn't fall flat on his face when a body collides into his back.

"Where ya goin'?" Frank asks, kissing between his shoulder blades.

The sight of his arms wrapped around Gerard's middle makes the older man's heart stutter in his chest. Frank has his left hand wrapped around his right wrist, and his brand new engagement ring gleams in the moonlight streaming from the dining room window.

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