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Another chapter of Snow Globes for you all on this lovely September evening.

This chapter is set in mid-march, so I'm re-ordering things a bit and sandwiching it between Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday.

Thank you Ash, Tiggy, and Nu for beta-ing this beauty for me. I love you all very dearly, and know that your support of me and my journey means everything to me.

As always, I am @pixie_revolver on twitter if you would like to scream at me (I am also screaming at me). <3


"Do you ever think about that time we fucked in the confessional?"

Frank nearly chokes on his morning tea, full spluttering, and nearly sloshes the entire cup down the front of his shirt. "Gerard!"


The difference between the utterance of the two names is that when Frank says Gerard's name it's almost admonishing. When Gerard says Frank's name it's out of sheer concern.

He's quick to rush for a dish towel in the kitchen before he's right back at the dining room table to make a very sad attempt at dabbing the soaked fabric. "Baby, I'm so sorry," he frets, but Frank is waving him off as he grabs the bottom of his shirt and lifts it.

"You're lucky that wasn't fresh, jesus," Frank says through more coughing. "Christ, are you trying to kill me?! Where the fuck did that come from?!"

Gerard huffs at him, helping the smaller man to lift his shirt over his head. "Of course I'm not trying to kill you. I just- it popped into my head." A lie, but also not a lie. It did pop into his head. It also happens to pop into his head a lot more frequently than it probably does Frank's.

And it's not just today. Gerard's been having a lot more flashbacks to that moment recently. He's not entirely sure why, other than the fact that it's the beginning of March, meaning they're well into the middle of lent, and Easter is fast approaching. That means that Frank will be going back to that church with his mother while Gerard stays home and plays house. He'll clean the kitchen and tidy the living room and read a book on the couch and pretend that he's not worried about Frank of all people being at that church.

Not that Frank's ever had an issue. Frank isn't the face of shame around that cathedral specifically, that's all Gerard. He's not even sure anyone there knows Frank's face at all, which is why Frank goes with Linda to holiday masses, and Gerard does not.

"I'm so sorry," Gerard says, still frowning. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"No," Frank says, though he's also still frowning, down at his boxers that are just as soaked as the t-shirt in his hand. "I'm not hurt. Just wet."

There has to be some dead giveaway on Gerard's face, because Frank points a scolding finger at him. "Don't you start."

"I didn't even say anything!" The laugh in Gerard's voice definitely belies the protest.

Frank tries very hard to glare at him, but it falls painfully short, which just makes Gerard smile wider. "You don't have to say anything, you little shit. I know you."

Gerard simply grins. He takes to cleaning the chair as Frank gets up from the table to go change. He also happens to make sure he does a very impressive towel snap at his fiance's ass before he scurries off down the hall.

"Don't you think it's wild? Like- To think that part of why we ended up together was because of you coming for confession on Christmas Eve. I think that was when I knew. I mean- Okay, I already knew, I guess, but you told me to do penance with self-flagellation and I knew the second you suggested it that I was going to do it, and I knew I was a lost cause after that."

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