2 - socialising

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    The lunch table at the Cameron residence was a setting for a poignant conversation. After using her nickname a few times, Rosalind finally mustered the courage to address it. She looked at Rose and Ward with gentleness in her eyes and said, "Would you mind calling me Rosalind instead of Lili? It reminds me too much of my parents."
Rose and Ward exchanged understanding glances, nodding in agreement. "Of course, Rosalind," Rose replied with a reassuring smile. Ward chimed in, "Your comfort is our priority."
Their willingness to accommodate her wishes allowed for a collective exhale of relief. The conversation took a turn towards Rosalind's future, with both Rose and Ward asking questions about her aspirations.
Rosalind shifted in her seat, feeling a touch of embarrassment as she replied, "I haven't really thought about it. But, I could see myself living here for a few years at least."
The lunch continued with the trio exchanging a million memories, stories of the adventures they'd shared, and moments with Sarah, Ward's oldest daugther. Laughter and nostalgia filled the room as they reminisced.
In the midst of their storytelling, Rafe, who had been silently watching Rosalind, cut through the recollections with a pointed question. "Do you have no memories left of me, Lili?" he asked, emphasizing the nickname.
Ward shot Rafe a severe stare, reminding him of Rosalind's request. Rosalind met Rafe's gaze, and a mixture of emotions flickered in her eyes. "I do, Rafe," she replied softly, "but it's Rosalind now."

Rafe couldn't help but smirk at Rosalind's response, the hint of vulnerability in her eyes stirring something within him. He suggested, "Well, in that case, Rosalind, let me share a memory since you clearly cannot remember any nor invent one."
Rosalind's eyes locked with his, curiosity and a touch of uncertainty dancing in her gaze as she nodded, giving him the go-ahead.
With a hint of nostalgia in his voice, Rafe began to recount the memory. "It was a sleepover at your house with Sarah," he began. "I was there because my parents were late to pick me up. Sarah had gone to the bathroom, and you and I were alone. I watched as you meticulously lined up various colors to paint your nails."
The memory played vividly in Rafe's mind, and he continued, "When you opted for a dark red color, one you probably stole from your mother, I got up and took it off your hands. You didn't understand why I did it."
Rafe justified his actions with a hint of a smile. "I said to you, 'No. Dark red is for women. Don't wear that colour until you feel and act like one, Lili. Your actions could be misunderstood.'"
As the story unfolded, Ward and Rose exchanged intrigued glances, feeling like a sort of third wheel. Rafe's gaze shifted, and he looked down at Rosalind's nails. They were painted in dark red. A knowing smirk spread across his lips, and he excused himself from the end of lunch.

The rest of lunch went well, the shared memories and stories bridging the gap of the past years. Afterward, Ward graciously showed Rosalind to her new room, where she would spend the summer. She entered, taking in the inviting atmosphere of the spacious, well-appointed space.
As she stood alone in the room, Ward suggested, "You must be tired from your journey, Rosalind. Why don't you get some rest and settle in? You have all the time in the world."
Rosalind nodded appreciatively, and as Ward left the room, she closed the door behind him. The solitude allowed her to reflect on the unexpected memory Rafe had shared during lunch. She replayed the scene in her head, trying to decipher why he had chosen to reveal it at that particular moment.
The memory held a mix of emotions, a reminder of the carefree days of her childhood. It struck her how much fun she used to have, and for the first time in a long while, she allowed herself to entertain the idea of reclaiming that joy.
With determination in her heart, Rosalind made a silent vow to herself. This summer, in the town of Outer Banks, would be one of happiness and fun, a season to rediscover her joyful self. As she laid down on the exceptionally comfortable bed, that promise echoed in her mind, and she drifted into a peaceful sleep, anticipation for what the coming days would bring.

After a few hours of resting, Rosalind was brought back to reality by a knock on the door. She quickly got up, trying to leave the bed presentable after a long nap. The door opened to reveal Sarah Cameron, previous best friend of Rosalind. She was smiling shyly, as if she was scared Rosalind wouldn't want to talk with her. Sarah awkwardly entered the room, analysing which words to use and which not to. Before she could find a sentence, Rosalind raced to her and hugged her tightly, scared to let her go again. It took Sarah aback for a few seconds, but did give in, sighting, reinforcing the embrace. The two once sisters by choice let out a few tears, hardly believing this was actually happening.
« Lili ... » began Sarah, trying to fight back the urge to assault her with questions. Rosalind broke the embrace and smiled at her through her tears, which Sarah swiped away with her fingers.
"Lili," Sarah began, her voice filled with emotion, "I've missed you so much." She wiped away a few more tears from Rosalind's cheeks.
Rosalind's smile remained, a mix of happiness and relief. "I've missed you too, Sarah. More than you can imagine."
They sat down on the edge of the bed, still holding each other's hands. Sarah finally gathered her thoughts and asked, "I heard about your dad, and I'm so sorry. I know how close the two of you were."
Rosalind nodded, her eyes still glistening with tears. "It's been tough, Sarah, but coming back here feels like a piece of home I desperately needed. Sarah nodded in understanding. "I'm really glad you're here, Lili. We have a lot to catch up on, and you're going to love being back here." Rosalind smiled, feeling a sense of comfort she hadn't experienced in a long time. "I can't wait to catch up, Sarah. And I've missed this place more than I realized."

After a few minutes spent in the room, Sarah suggested to walk by the beach and enjoy the end of the day together.
As Sarah and Rosalind walked along the beach, the warm sand beneath their feet, Sarah decided to share some recent developments in her life. "You won't believe it, Lili. I made some new friends, the Pogues. They're quite the adventurous bunch, and John B... well, he's become more than just a friend. We're dating, and it's going amazingly well. I think he might be my true love," she said with a twinkle in her eye.
Rosalind chuckled at the memory they shared, "Oh, I remember our pinky swear about never dating a guy who couldn't surf. »
« Don't you worry about that, the Pogues are very well known for their surfing skills." reassured Sarah.
Their laughter was interrupted by the arrival of a tall blond guy running towards them. It was JJ, one of Sarah's new friends. "Well hello, blondie," JJ greeted, "and hello, stranger.", turning to Rosalind, giving her a smooth wink.
JJ explained, "Sarah, John B wanted to ask if you could meet directly at the party later tonight. He's got some stuff to do."
Sarah looked a bit concerned. "What kind of stuff? He was supposed to take me there..."
JJ shrugged, "Honestly, I don't know. He seemed pretty stressed, though. But hey, I'm just the messenger here."
Rosalind had been quietly observing JJ, her mind taking her back to when he was just a kid she used to play with during church on Sundays, but she kept that memory to herself. After JJ had relayed the message and departed, Sarah turned to Rosalind and said, "Lili, would you like to join me at the party tonight?"

As Sarah and Rosalind arrived at the bonfire, the warm glow of the flickering flames illuminated the faces of John B, Kiara, Pope, and JJ, Sarah's new friends. The initial awkwardness that Rosalind felt gradually dissolved as the night went on and a few beers were shared. By the time the sun had set, they were all getting along, particularly Rosalind with JJ and Kiara.
As the evening progressed, Rosalind and JJ found themselves engrossed in conversation, laughing at silly jokes and diving into deep questions about each other. Amidst the friendly banter, JJ couldn't help but ask, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be the little girl I used to spend Sundays with at church, would you?" Rosalind's eyes lit up with recognition, and they bonded even more over the shared memory. However, their pleasant interaction was soon interrupted by the arrival of new people – the kooks. Rafe, with his ostentatious motorcycle, made quite an entrance, immediately clashing with both John B and JJ. Spotting Rosalind talking to Kiara, he couldn't hide his disapproval.A few minutes later, Sarah sensed tension between John B and Rafe and decided to lead John B away from the crowd. The two of them started arguing, which quickly escalated into a fight that spurred others to join in.
Amidst the chaos, Rafe surprised everyone by taking Rosalind by the hand and pulling her away from the commotion. JJ observed, perplexed by the sight of a nice girl like her associating with Rafe. Rafe shook his head and commented, "Your first night here, and you're already in a fight."
Rosalind clarified, "No, I wasn't in the fight exactly."
Recognizing that Rosalind was too far from home, Rafe offered to take her on his motorcycle. Initially hesitant, Rosalind eventually agreed. She held tightly onto Rafe as they rode through the night. However, they had to make an unplanned stop when Rosalind's stomach rebelled against the evening's beverages. An annoyed Rafe helped her and eventually got her safely into her bed, his smirk still lingering as he left her to rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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