Iron Mon (Speed) #1

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Quick saying, I'm going to start the stories off at where the movie begins for most books. For example, I have to start off with Black's back story or when he was younger at the beginning, sense it would show his past in the movie at first.

We find our story starting off with our favorite Jolteon being driven across the desert of Kogirnia (Afghanistan) inside a Hummer. Inside the hummer is our  favorite Jolteon, "Speed Red Stark" listening to music as he sits in awkward silence with other rescuers.

Speed: *Speed starts talking in a joking but serious tone* ... So, is this like a not talking trip? Cause I feel like I'm heading to court, what did I do? I feel like I'm about to be forced to show you what in my car, what can we not talk? Hey, Forrest? *Speed says looking at the Shiny Leafeon to his left*

Forrest: You can talk sir. *says respectfully*

Speed: Oh, I see. So it's personal.

(F)Absol: No sir, you just intiminate them. *Is driving*

Speed: *In the same tone* Oh, my god I though you were Shade. Good grief I didn't expect that. I mean I'd apologize, but isn't that what y'all been going for? Being thought as strong individuals.

(F)Absol: I'm a explorer.

Speed: Well, you have a great personality, kinda hard not to talk with y'all now. Is that weird? *Speed says jokingly*

The (F)Absol, the Lucario in front of Speed, and Forrest start laughing.

Speed: C'mon, it's ok to laugh. Hey! *Puts his arms up jokingly*

Lucario: Sir, may I ask a question?

Speed: Yes?

Lucario: Is it true you became famous because you develop weapons for rescuers?

Speed: That's a great question, yes and no. I developed weapons as a side job for rescuers, but I became famous because I made weapons for Dr. Robert's research and made them from great materials that were great for researchers. Anything else?

Forrest raises his hand

Speed: Forrest?

Forrest: Is it cool if I take a picture with you?

Speed: *Speed chuckles at his question* Yes, it's very cool with me.

Forrest takes out a camera and gives it to the Lucario in the front

Speed: But I don't want to see this on your social media page, got it?

Forrest nods as he throws a peace sign. As the Lucario went to take a picture, the hummer in front of them exploded causing them to swirve.

Speed: What's going on?!

The (F)Absol opens the door just to be gunned down.

Lucario: Forrest, stay with Stark!

Forrest: Got it! *Moves Speed lower* Get Down!

As Speed get's down, he sees this Lucario get sniped down. As this happens Forrest unjams his gun and starts exiting the hummer.

Speed: No. No wait give me a-!

Forrest: Stay here!

As Forrest turns around, a shotgun like explosion happens in front of him causing the hummer to have lots of holes. Luckily Speed wasn't hit by any, but his ears ringed loudly.

As his recovers after a few seconds, Speed leaves the hummer ducking and avoiding the gunfiring around him. He dives away from the exploding hummer and puts his back to a rock.

Speed: Shit, Shit...! *Trying to dial (Previous Champion)'s name for help*

A missile lands right next to Speed. Before it blows up, Speed reads the label "Stark Enterprise"

Speed: *Stands up trying to run from it* No N- *The missile explodes piercing through Speed's bullet resistante vest, showing his blood dripping through the vest.*

Speed lays there dazed and passes out due to the pain and blood loss. Eventually, Speed wakes up with a bag over his head.

Speed: ?

They take the bag off of Speed, and he looks around to see himself tied to a chair being recorded LIVE, by a group of terrorist.

ES: AU "The Eeveelution Squad" (Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now