Chapter 5

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↳ ❝ Fool


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The spilt potion began to harden as you stomped back to your dorm. That bloody idiot is gonna pay for that. Grumbling the password to reveal the common room, you immediately step down the stone stairs that lead to the lovely house Dumbledore loved so much. Your sights were focused on your dorm, and you hadn't noticed a familiar blond trailing behind.

You pulled out your wand, muttering, "Alohamora." your door unlocked. Stepping inside, you hadn't thought to lock the door, assuming everyone would be in class.

Your trunk wasn't far from the door, only a few steps before you began to shuffle through your belongings, not noticing the quiet door creaking.

Once you had gathered your things, you stood to walk towards the shower but froze as the blond snickered.

"You really should be more careful about who you let in here," he taunted as he stalked towards you, beginning to circle you. "Though, locking the door would be helpful..."

"Come here to gloat?" you scoffed, shoving past him.

"Quite the contrary."

You turned to face him once more, your arms heavy with your fresh clothes hanging from them. "Whatever, Malfoy."

He strode to you, smugly wrapping an arm around your waist. He leaned down beside your ear, his hot breath tickling your neck. "It's rather impressive how good failure looks on you~."

"You son of a bitch!" Your knee collided with his crouch, leaving him a groaning mess on the floor. "Maybe Daddy would like to know of the pathetic twat he raised. I might just owl him."

"Do it then," Draco challenged as he pushed himself off the floor. "I'll owl your mum, oh wait..." he menacingly grinned as he watched the shades of anger cross your face.

"I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill you, understand?" your voice dark and rough as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes.

"No, you won't."

You slid your wand from your shoe, aiming at the blond prick before you. "Try. Me."

He threw his hands up, chuckling darkly. "You're feisty, I'll give you that." He quickly snatched the wand from your grasp, leaving you in utter defencelessness. "But, Y/n, this really isn't your look." He twirled your wand at you as he spoke, his grin widening.

"What happened to you?"

He rolled his eyes, tossing you your wand. "Everyone's either a winner or a loser, Nott; I don't like to lose."

"What, you a fucking Death Eater now?"

His grey eyes left yours for a moment before returning his gaze. "Enjoy your shower." His voice was dull but sharp at the same time as he exited your dorm.

You sat back on your bed. "What. The. Fuck." A few minutes later, the door swung open again, revealing a different blonde. You sat up after hearing the noise, paranoid that it was Malfoy back for round two. "Nicole?"

"Oh, h-hi, Y/n..." her face contorted as it gained a rose hue.

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I have a free period," she mumbled while biting her lip.

"That's rubbish! You have charms." You hopped off your bed in your still-soiled clothes to stand before her. "Nicole, that is your favourite class. Why are you skipping?"

"Because..." she answered, her voice becoming softer with each syllable.

You spun your hand in a circle, urging her to continue. "Why are you skipping?" you questioned with a sternness in your tone.

She sighed as her eyes welled in tears. "I-I made myself a f-fool... embarrassed myself in front of everyone, including your brother..."

You brought your hand to her back, rubbing slow circles. "I'm sure it wasn't that bad. What charm was it?"

She sniffled. "Locomotor Mortis." She slid to the floor, resting her back against the door. "We were, uh, supposed to use it on our partners," she sighed.

"My brother?"

She nodded. "We couldn't break eye contact, and I got nervous, accidentally hitting myself. Y/n, I fell to the floor when my legs became restrained, a-and everyone laughed." Tears began to stream down her face.

"Who released you?" you whispered, still rubbing circles on her back.

"Theo... I ran out as soon as I could move my legs."

Sighing, you helped her from the floor. "I want to give you a hug, but I need to shower first."

"Oh, yeah," she sniffled. "Theo told me about your squabble with Malfoy."

"Wonderful experience, really," you groaned, rubbing your face. "Give me ten minutes."

She nodded, and you ran to the bathroom, immediately turning on the shower. You peeled the crunchy clothing off before stepping into the hot stream of water for a midday shower. You felt your body relax as the pellets of water ricocheted off your back. After a few minutes, you hopped out, quickly drying off before getting dressed and reapplying perfume.

You swung open the bathroom door, and you saw Nicole had curled up on her bed. "Hey," you said softly as you sat beside her. "Everyone makes a fool of themselves sometimes."

"Yeah," she sniffled. "But at least you don't make an arse of yourself in front of someone that you care for their opinion of you."

"I'm starting to believe I do..."

"I'm sure he doesn't think you a fool. Theo's not like that."

She sat up. "You're sure?"

"Positive," you reassured her with a smile.

"What do we do now?"

You glanced at the clock with a grin. "We go to lunch." You jumped from the bed, grabbed her wrist and rushed out of the room. "Nothing like a good snack to cheer you up!"

"Good thinking, Y/n! Race ya!" Nicole called as she bolted past you. "I'm gonna win!"

"We'll see about that!"


Thank y'all so so much for all the love! It's almost made me cry. Seriously, it means so much! Feel free to like, comment, and share as you please! Have a blessed day! ~PastelOlivee

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