Chap 2

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     You ignore the knocking sound for a good five minutes at least. You finally yell out in an annoyed tone, "Go away please. I'm not interested in any adventures, dinner, group hangout or game of charades. I'm perfectly content right here." "C'mon, Sweetheart, we got a new player! And they're just dying to meet you." You immediately roll your eyes as soon as you hear Jax's voice, but then stop. New player? Really? He's never used this specific trick to get you out of your room, but you don't put it past him. You think for a minute and decide you have nothing to lose but your dignity, which you have very little of anyway, so why not? You stretch and make your way over to the door, opening it to see those piss yellow scleras and mischievous Cheshire Cat pupils a mere two inches from your face. Before you have time to pull back he grabs your arm and pulls you outside the door, slamming it shut and putting a hand behind your back, gently urging you on as he continues walking down the hall. "Um, no.." You immediately step to the side and out of his reach,  beside Ragatha. "We gotta go get Kaufmo to help us with the Gloinks situation. Oh also that's Pomni." He stated in little interest as he pointed behind him to his right. You look over to see a girl noticeably shorter than you, sporting a red and blue jester's costume. She nervously smiled and gives you a tiny wave. You smile and wave back. "Pomni's still getting used to being a permanent resident of the digital realm. Haha.." Ragatha said. "Oh, I remember those days.. don't worry, Pomni, it's really not so bad once you get used to it." You say in a reassuring manner. "Then why are you always so cooped up in your room? You barely have anything to do with us anymore." Jax asked as you all continued to walk but your face was now tilted to the floor, obviously uncomfortable. Jax even felt a bit of awkwardness as the three now had their eyes locked on you.
Pomni made her way between you and Jax, who peered down in disgust, in an attempt to make things less awkward. "Hey, Y/N, is it? Uh, did you notice my room is right next to yours? We're neighbors! Yayy.. haha.." she attempted to lighten the mood. Seems like a sweet lady, a bit awkward, like you (did I mention how awkward this whole thing is?) but a real fun person to be around. You just raise your eyebrows and smile down at the shorter character. "Yeah, that's nice, Pomni. Maybe we can have sleepovers sometimes." If anything this made Jax even more offended. You never invited him to have sleepovers. How rude! "Soo, Ragatha.." Pomni continued to lessen the situation further. "I still don't understand.. about the adventures. Why even go on them at all? Why not try to find a.. way to.. leave?" "Well, we usually do. When we first arrive." Ragatha began to explain before her face slowly shifted to one of pure terror. "But after a while you start to realize that you really can't leave and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy... eventually you get to asking what the point of  anything is and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point something really terrible can happen.." You've never seen Ragatha's eyes so wide as she realizes she's spiraling, hushing down and staring at the three of you, Pomni looking equally as terrified. You just give her an awkward smile and motion towards Kaufmo's door. "But, that's not something we need to deal with today! Above anything else the adventures give us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated!" Rags (I love Ragatha but I am not typing that out every time 😭) finished on a positive note as she rang Kaufmo's doorbell. "Thank goodness, this is all a dream, right, Pomni?" Jax asked as he looked down at the girl. "Ahh so your mind took the route of believing this is a dream? Some people blame their mental illness, others think they've died and gone to heaven.. but all that aside this place is more of a dream than a nightmare, I can assure you of that, Pomni." You say as you look at her with a welcoming smile. She responds to neither you nor Jax as you notice small, black scribbles squirming away in place of her pupils. He lightly taps the side of her face as she jolts back. "Huh? Why are we here again? What are we doing?" She asks clearly lost. "We're getting one of our friends!" Rags exclaimed while ringing the bell again. Still no answer. Odd. "Huh.. maybe he's not in his room?" She said. "That's strange. Kaufmo really hasn't been out of his room much lately, kinda like you, Seazh." Rags said in thought before quieting down. Now it was her turn to feel embarrassed and Jax's turn to lighten the mood. "Don't worry, doll face, I've got a key to his room." The rabbit said as he twirled a key on his fingertip, looking over to you smugly and proudly. He had a crush on you, he knew you knew he had a crush on you, or at least he thought you knew, and he thought you had a crush on him. He often called Ragatha and some of the other players pet names just to "see you get jealous" but obviously it didn't work. You didn't have feelings for a loser like him. "Wha- wait/ what why??.! You1you-you shouldn't have keys to anyone's room!" Rags placed her hands on her hips as she glared at Jax. "Nah, I've got keys everywhere and you've all been fine!" "Why do you think I had a handprint scanner installed in place of my door lock?" Rags looked at you in shock. "You knew about this and never told me?!" You just shrug. "I assumed everyone knew." "By the way, I may have left something in your room today, so let me know if you find it! You're not afraid of centipedes, are ya?" He asked turning to Rags. "Jax! That's literally my only fear why would you do this?!" She screamed. "Whaaaat? It could be a completely unrelated question! You'll never know until it's too late." You sigh. "I'll help you look for the centipede tonight, Rags." You say in sympathy as you put a hand on her shoulder. She's been the one to help you most to recover from Jax's shenanigans. It'd only be fair to help her when she needed it. She gave you a grateful smile as Jax opened Kaufmo's door and what you saw next was utterly terrifying; Kaufmo has been abstracted.

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