Chap 13

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Song above because I love it🌷
There are two ways I want this chapter to go. But I can only choose one! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Good gourd, it's already almost Thanksgiving. Nobody mention it's already November, okay?


     Lame. Boring. Stupid. Even more stupid. Since being freed from his solitary prison, Jax has found everything to be even more ludicrous and laughable than normal. There's something to be pointed out around every corner, someone to be taunted. He'd spent the morning getting back into routine by making a mockery of his favorite victim, hiding one of their eyes and their mouth in various locations around the tent before finding Pomni to hang the many questions bringing forth existential dread over her jester-clad head.
"And there's no way to tell time in this place. There is one clock hanging on a wall somewhere... can't really remember which room that's in." He walked over and used an elbow to lean on top of her head, placing his other hand on his hip as he showed a proud smirk. "Pretty sure Caine has some sort of goofy watch he uses sometimes, too, but yep. Days just pretty much blend into each other, taking us further and further into the timeless pit of our dwindling and useless existence. But not like any of that matters, since eternity lasts for eternity, so plenty of time to think on all that, eh, Pomni?" He grinned down at her signature face of fear. Her pupils had finally turned to scribbles, though it took him a while longer than usual. Pomni had really managed to ease the anxiety since getting used to the swing of things as well as apologizing to Ragatha, but Jax's skill inevitably brought it back. "Oh yeah, you still think this is a dream, dontcha? Keep going, kid. I wanna see how long you can stay convinced." He patted her shoulder as he strode away, full of pride.

     Jax slowly ran his hand along the wall of the hall he was currently in, it's path occasionally being disrupted by a door frame. He let out a sigh, but mostly in contentment. He'd never show it, but he was eternally grateful to see colors, objects, things, people. Anything but those four white walls. The shock that stemmed from his being locked up was less from the new environment but more from the fact that Caine actually punished him, let alone to such terrifying extent. He was used to and expected comebacks and commands from the other players about his teasing, including occasional hits that needed to be dodged, but not from Caine.
Caine had tried to talk to him before to figure out why he was so mean and to come up with some sort of compromise, in which obviously Jax refused to participate, but Caine had never actually reprimanded him. He never made Jax face consequences, so of course this was all new to him as well as very, very angering! He was still angry at you as well, for being the reason he got sent off in the first place. Not just because of your actions on that one day, but because of how you had ignored his efforts for so long. He'd spent years trying to make you feel included and wanted and trying to get you to become a main member of the group again. He knocked on your door every single day even when everyone else had given up to give you your privacy. And you shunned him every single time. Even before then, you made it clear you didn't see him as a friend or anything more than a nuisance by always stepping out of his reach, trying to put yourself in the middle of everyone else so he couldn't talk to you, huffing and rolling your eyes when you thought no one was looking. Then you lead him on all day long only to get him in trouble and expect him to just forgive you? He couldn't even trust your sincerity anymore. He now had his plans for the day; ask Caine just who he thinks he is and ask you just who you think you are.

     "Caine? Where are ya, buddy? Got a feeeew questions we need to have a friendly discussion about." Jax poked his head through the frame of a random door, watching as the red monkeys bounced off of every wall, tearing up the plaided patchwork furniture. It was not his fault they were out and about and it was not his responsibility to put them back, so he shrugged and shut the door, leaving the toy beings to cause their chaos.
"You're not in any of these rooms... are ya, Caine?..." Jax called out to the air around him as he slowed to a stop in front of a particular door. He knew very well what was behind it. That was the Room of Shadows, as he called it. The most unsettling room to him. Although he still wasn't 'scared' of it, as Jax isn't scared of anything, he never went there. He lightly pressed his palm against the wooden door, immediately getting shivers down his spine. His last visit there had been less than pleasant, and he had hoped to god you..... uh, and the other members of course, had never been unfortunate enough to step foot through the frame. He slowly backed away and made his way past the rest of the doors, turning back every now and then to make sure something hadn't jumped out of that room and was following him.

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