Chap 5

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.....Pomni.. can't we talk like, in your room?.." You scratch your neck and look down. She eyed up at you suspiciously. "Why? You uh, got something in there you don't want me to see?" She asked crossing her arms. Why don't you want anyone coming in your room? Well, you don't understand it. Your room, that is. Yours is... different from everyone else's. You call it a living room. Ba-dum-sh. Your room is the only one that changes on its own. The only one that has moving and color changing walls. And they didn't have the texture of paint, either. They were smooth, not like glass, kind of just like... air. But solid. And sometimes, if you closed your eyes, you swore you could feel a tuft of cloud graze past your fingertips. You couldn't move past them, but they just weren't regular walls. You assumed your ceiling had the same properties, you just never got high enough to touch it (no matter how many blunts you hit at once /j). You had never gotten hurt or anything in your room except due to your own clumsiness, but it was your room. If you invited someone else in, would they be welcomed? You're probably just being irrational like always, but you can't help but worry.

     Pomni is now staring at you rather angrily, and it actually startles your shy nature a bit, and you can't find yourself to give a reasonable explanation so you step aside to let her in. She has to look around to take in everything from your pristine quartzy floors to the beautifully sculptured furniture complete with a matching chandelier overhead and, of course, the walls. "Oh my gosh.. Seazh your room is gorgeous!" Pomni walked over and traced her hand over the smooth glass of one of the tables. "Thanks, Pom." You say in relief. "How did you do it?" You look at her confused. "My room was pre-programmed to look like this. Have you not been in yours yet?" She shook her head. "I couldn't really sleep last night so I just kind of went.. exploring. In safe areas. By safe areas I mean I examined the entirety of the main tent and never stepped foot outside." She said as she walked over to your window, covered with curtains that seemed a light periwinkle color, in between your floor and furniture. They were also donned with thousands upon thousands of glitter pieces. It was a majestic sight when the sun shone through. "Oh, we'll definitely have to go check it out later! You know, everyone's room is based off of.." You're cut off by Pomni screaming as she had lost her balance and tried to grab onto the curtains. She was dangling a good few feet off the floor, when all of the sudden you begin to hear fabric ripping up ahead. Everything in your room was rather delicate and easy to break, you should know. The extra weight caused it to tear just under the rail sending Pomni to the floor at enough speed to knock the breath out of her.
You immediately rush over and help her up. "Are you okay? What were you doing?" "I was standing on this desk trying to get a better view of what looked like an exit door outside.. that was dumb." She says as she rubs a place on her head. You can tell she's rather embarrassed but you have no hard feelings. You look outside, up and down, but see no door. Pomni picks up the torn fabric and looks at it with guilt. "Oh my god, Seazh, I Am SO SORRY. Ugh this fabric looks so expensive. Oh, this is all my fault. I'll find away to fix it and-" "Pomni." You quiet her down and get her attention. You point up ahead to the top half of the curtain. It begins glowing a bit as the fabric underneath Pomni suddenly glitches out of existence and reappears unscathed in its proper place. There is no evidence it was torn. "Woah! Seazh, you're just full of secrets, how'd you do that!? Can you teach me?" "Well.. no. I didn't do it. It's the room. It repairs itself. Watch." You pick up a small glass vase and throw it at the wall, shattering it on impact. Within seconds every piece is glowing before the entire thing spawns back to its proper place. "Woah.." is all Pomni can say. "Does everyone's room do this?" You laugh nervously as you once again have to say no. "Just mine..." you rock back and forth on your feet nervously.
You expect Pomni to ask why (despite being a grown up she has a very childish sense of wonder about her new realm) but she doesn't. She's too busy focusing on one large cloud moving across the walls. "Sooo.. what did you say you wanted to talk about?" You ask as you walk over to your bed, sitting down and patting beside you for her to join. "Oh!" She seems to snap out of a daze as she bolts over. "I wanted to know if you'd tell me anything you remember about your life before the circus, considering we were.. talking about mine earlier." You give a slight ahah as you take a deep breath and try to gather your thoughts. "Sorry it's just. Been a while since somebody asked me that.." you stare at the floor with your head resting on your hand, bouncing your knee as you get lost in thought. You knew trying to remember anything about your family is pointless, you've tried that too many times. Where did you live? Uh... did you have a job? You remember journaling a lot.. or was that just school? "Sorry, Pomni, I'm just, uh.. lost.." you squeeze the bridge of your nose. This was very difficult. It always depressed you whenever you tried to think of your human life and couldn't remember anything. "Pomni... I don't have any memories. It took me a lot longer than you to forget everything about the outside world... but you've been here just shy of two days and you only have very scarce memories.. I'm Sorry." You fold your hands and look over at her in disappointment. She looks even more depressed than you as she stares at the floor, her eyes in squiggles again but this time her face was much more.. hopeless instead of afraid? "But I can tell you one thing I loved when I was a human." You stand up and open your door. "But I can't show you until tonight. Come back right before dark. Now, shall we go explore your room?" You give her an upbeat smile to try and ease her nerves as she hops off of the bed and slowly walks out of your room.

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