Chap 3

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* I took the liberty of designing your room for you. I wish I could draw but I can't so I'll be explaining it as the story goes. I also don't want to be *that person but I imagine the song above to be your "theme" song so to speak. I hope it isn't too girly for you guy readers but I think it's mysterious and fits the theme I'm going to give you perfectly. I've been listening to a lot of SU songs while writing, a lot of them I think fit here. Here's chapter 3!

     You go back to your room to get anything you may need. You kind of start to panic. You've never really been to a party with anyone here and that's not something you exactly did a lot back as a human... you take a deep breath and look around. Rags didn't tell you to bring anything other than the music. There aren't any instruments here, neither are there radios or vinyls, so let me explain where music does come from. Now, I can't speak for Caine or the producers, I have no idea where the copyrighted music of  The Amazing Digital Circus comes from, but I can tell you how you and the other players are allowed to "make music".  You walk over to to your music mechanism which consists of a medium sized glass rectangle, think an aquarium. Inside are lots of little, "bubbles" let's call them. They look kind of like Bubble but they lack faces, just not consciousness. These bubbles are transparently colored: pale blue, yellow, pink, purple, green... your box consists of about eight of these tiny creatures. You place a hand on either side of the box and pick it up, holding it close to you and closing your eyes, thinking for a moment. It began playing a song, an upbeat yet calming musical tune consisting of piano, drum, and other various sounds you couldn't really put an instrument to. After all, it was just coming from your mind. Inside the container with these bubbles were many tiny, identical white squares, flat (but not paper flat), akin to opaque, white glass. The bubbles could hop to and from these squares, causing them to temporarily glow the corresponding color, creating any instrumental sound you desired to make a beautiful, original song. You, being the one who had requested a way to make your own music, was the first one to whom Caine demonstrated how to use this device after he successfully, somehow, brought it into this world. All you had to do was place both your hands somewhere on the box, rest your mind, and very clearly think of a tune. The small bubbles, which Caine had requested you help give a name to, did the rest. You had thought and thought but couldn't think of a name adequate for such beautiful things. Now, they couldn't sing, they did not have mouths, or voices for that matter, so you could only have instrumental music unless, of course, you wanted to make up your own lyrics but you were paranoid someone would hear you, even in the comfort of your room...

     Anyway, this particular song was one you used to calm yourself down, and you needed it now that you felt your social anxiety kicking in. It had stuck with you. You were sure it was one you had heard somewhere in the human realm that you remembered somehow, there were actually several of those. If they weren't, you were very talented in coming up with such tunes. You look down at the box with an unsure face. What kind of music can you play that would be good enough for the party? Should you ask Pomni what kind of music she likes? Should you even go to this party? You feel your mind rambling again, signaling you need to calm down and listen to the song. Once it ends, you begin trying to create music that is uplifting and happy, but not overbearing. You can feed all this music to the bubbles and they will play it over and over throughout the night until you tell them to stop. At least the instrument worked well for karaoke, right? You look outside to see how close it is to darkness. You didn't have natural sunsets here, which is something you missed dearly, but you could clearly see the bright blue sky becoming darker overhead. You decide to go outside and watch the change while you waited for it to get fully dark.

      "Ugh, god leave me alone. I told you I'm not giving anyone piggy back rides." Zooble angrily stated at the only person who'd be annoying them. "Ahh cmon, Zoobs! Who else am I gonna get to give me one?" "I don't %#_^ care as long as it's not me. Why do you want a piggy back ride, anyway? Aren't you like, my age?" "Why'd you even come to this party if you weren't gonna do anything but make everyone else miserable?" Jax asked once again as he snatched off one of Zooble's arms and began using it as a backscratcher. He did that a lot, and they attempted to strangle him every time, but he never learned his lesson. "I could be asking you the same thing." "You two cut it out! Pomni could be here any minute. This party is supposed to make her feel relaxed and welcomed and we don't really need a murder scene happening as soon as she walks through the door." Ragatha said as she broke the two up. Jax took some dramatically deep gasps as he stumbled backwards, hands clasped over his neck. "Wow you two majorly suck at throwing parties. You shoulda put me in charge. This party'd be shakin the entire circus grounds by now." Jax placed his hand in his pocket as he walked away, knocking Gangle into a wall and causing her happy mask, which just got repaired, to break in half yet again. "No... why does this always happen at the worst times.." she complained as tears began to fall on the broken mask. "Can we just try to all be on our best behaviors for Pomni? I know everyone's still getting used to losing Kaufmo and everything but that's all behind us now, right gang?" Rags tried to get everyone to cheer up but now the only person besides her who really seemed to be in the party mood was Kinger, who almost never lost that jumpy and energetic stature. "Well, it would be a miracle of Kaufmo were here, considering he was the circus clown so to speak, and could do wonders lifting this party up to the heavens!" Kinger said, only making things a little more awkward. "Ahh. Oh, I didn't realize you were all.. staring at me.. uh hum." He walked backwards very quickly to Ragatha's window and hid himself from sight behind the long curtain.

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