1- outlanders

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Two travelers arrived in Fontaine a certain white haired girl with stripes of black could be seen in her hair.

Paimon says To learn about a nation's god, start with the nation's people! There seem to be some locals talking over there, let's go see if we can join the party. The girl watchs the two outlanders

Paimon says hey, what are looking over there for? Traveler says There's a girl over there... she's been standing alone for quite some time... they look over to the said girl

Paimon says huh, maybe somethings  the matter... *gasps* she isn't going to jump into the water, is she? Uh, maybe we'd better go check on her.

Traveler nodded they approached the girl Paimon says Um, hello there! Excuse me! Are you alright? The girl says ...huh? Ah, I'm fine... Thanks.

Paimon says Oh, okay then. We just noticed that you seemed to be worried about something. The girl says About many things,  actually... but there's nothing I can do but just keep my troubles to myself.  

I was just reminiscing about a place my brother and I would play when we were kids. It was just atop that hill over there, see?

Paimon says Uh, you're pointing at the sea... Wait, are you saying that you and you're brother lived in the water? Traveler says Maybe they're mermaids? or fantastical race from Fontaine?

The girl says Though people call waters around Fontaine a "sea, it's actually just an inland lake that's filled with fresh water. And though I can still see that hill clearly in my memories, now it's been completely submerged. He would skip and jump, tossing sand in the wind... the sun shone brightly and the air was filled with the scent of the sea.

But now water is gradually swallowing our memories... it won't be long before it swallows us. Paimon says Uh, sorry, Paimon doesn't really get what you mean. A male approached the two travelers

He said Ah, I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting.  Are you Lynette's new friends Paimon says Oh, and you are...

The male says Thanks for looking after my sister, she often comes here to reminisce about our childhood, that's all. There's no need for any concern. Ah, allow me to introduce myself.

I'm Lyney, and this is my sister,  Lynette. Lynette goes right beside Lyney's side Lyney says if I had to guess, I'd say you must be travelers from abroad. Paimon says nice to meet you,  Paimon is Paimon, and this is Traveler. We've just arrived in Fontaine.

We were just talking with your sister, uh... even though we didn't really get what she was saying. Lyney says Hmm, I see it's unusual for Lynette to be willing to talk with anyone, in fact, she seldom speaks at all. I'm usually the only one she ever talks to.

Paimon says Oh,  really? Then you two are just like us! Paimon's always talking for some reason. Traveler says There's hardly anything left for me to say with you around, Paimon.  

Paimon says huh! So that's how you think it is? Lynette says I also think my brother can be too talkative at times. Lyney says Ah, hehe... seems you were right, Paimon. We are quite similar. Paimon says hehe...

So what did Lynette mean just now when she said the water is engulfing your memories, and that it won't be long before it engulfs you too? Lyney  says Ah, that... it's from a prophecy that's been circulating in Fontaine for some time now.

Well I suppose "prophecy isn't exactly the right word, because that implies a certain amount of uncertainty. There's no doubt about what's happening in Fontaine now... Traveler says Oh? What's happening in Fontaine? Lyney says Where to begin? Hmm...

Ah, let's put that question on hold for a moment. We still haven't formally greeted each other yet, have we? Paimon says Uh... did all the introductions earlier not count? Lyney says Hello, Traveler. Lyney shake's hands with traveler. Traveler says Hello, Lyney. 

Lyney goes over to Paimon the unknown woman watching them Whispers to herself "This is getting interesting? Let's see how these travelers from afar handle Fontaine's law's?! Lyney says And Hello,  Paimon. 

Paimon says Hey! Why didn't Paimon get a handshake? You're not poking fun at Paimon, are you!? Lyney says Haha, please don't take offense.

Just consider it a sort of etiquette we have here in Fontaine new friends.  You should remember it, it might prove useful... Paimon says Oh, alright then... well Paimon's just happy to have a local friend now.

By the way, we were just getting ready to go to the opera house to meet the hydro archon. Would you be able to show us the way? Lyney says so you're going to see lady Furina? No problem at all. In fact, I was planning to go to the opera house later myself. I'll gladly take you once I finish things here. Please follow me.

Traveler and Paimon followed Lyney and Lynette.

A/n: first actual chapter is now finished

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