4- New friends

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The five of you go to where you were waiting for them earlier. Paimon says So we ride this thing to go into the city? What an ingenious way to get around... People in Fontaine really know how to use water. Lyney says this is an" aquabus" it allows people to travel between several key locations around Fontaine.

It's pretty convenient. But the ride can become dull after a while...  the scenery is Always the same. That's why it's better to travel with friends. Lynette says So you mean it's still boring even when I'm riding with you? Lyney says Ah, no that's not what I meant. It's just that, uh... Well you don't talk that much. Besides, it doesn't really feel like a real trip when it's just the two of us. It's the same as being at home, haha. Lynette says Whatever.

Paimon says Guess that's what it's like to be an older brother... Lyney says Hehe, it's about time for us to leave. Let's get onbroad. The five of them get on board the aquabus a figure hurrys on to the aquabus. The aquabus moves along in the water. Paimon says huh!? Who I now recognize as Charlotte says Whaaaat? Traveler? Paimon? Paimon says Charlotte! Traveler waves at Charlotte and Says It's Charlotte!

Charlotte says I never guess I'd bump into you while riding the aquabus. In the story of my life, this is big news! What are you doing in Fontaine? I didn't hear anything about you paying us a visit. Paimon says Yeah, it's quite the coincidence! But as Travelers, we're always on the move. It's not surprising that nobody knew we were coming. Uh, though we still have no idea how the hydro archon knew about us...  Oh! Let Paimon introduce you to our new friends! 

Charlotte says Oh, no need for introductions, Paimon I would recognize the Great Magician Lyney and his assistant Lynette anywhere. As well as Lady Y/n on of Fontaine's agent trackers!? How could I not recognize the Chief of Justice's assistant!? I said You sure know you're stuff? Charlotte says I wouldn't be much of a reporter if I didn't know who they were. It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Charlotte a reporter for the Steambird.

Lyney says Nice to meet you, The Steambird, huh? We've often relied on your paper to promote our performances. Lynette says it's an honor to meet you. I said Well, the pleasures all mine Miss Charlotte... I usually tend to work with the Steambird sometimes, only sometimes though maybe in the future I'll have an opportunity to work with you!? Charlotte says Really? You want to work with me!? I said Of course, I do if I ever get the chance that is!? Charlotte says I would be honored to work with you Lady Y/n! I said Glad to hear it!?

Paimon says Oh, now that everyone knows each other, Fontaine suddenly doesn't feel like such an unfamiliar place. So, what have you been up to lately, Charlotte? Any big news?

Charlotte says Not too much... when there isn't any breaking news, I mainly cover trials at the opera house... You can still manage to keep readers "attention as long as you tell things from a clever angle, even if it's the same old topics. For example, reporting on how a scammer once deceived vulnerable girls into relationships,  or how a financial criminal was once poor that they a single piece of bread for five days... 

Traveler says But that's not really the kind of news you're after. Charlotte says sigh You're right, seems you know me pretty well. What I'm really after is exclusive sensational news pieces that could shake the country. These smaller stories are a waste of my talents. Oh, I just remembered... I've been following a case lately... well a series of cases, actually...

Lynette says You mean the "serial disappearance of young women" case? Charlotte says That's right. These stories are the talk of town right now, and it's probably the most mysterious case we've ever seen. I said I'm familiar with this case, I've been trying to track down the culprit   with a friend of mine, for a while now. Charlotte says Oh, is the Chief of Justice interested in this case!? I said No, this is a case I'm investigating on my own!?

Charlotte says Really!? Is there a reason why you're so interested in this case? I said When I started investigating the case I only wanted Justice for the victims! But that Mira my half is a victim of the case its a whole different story!? Charlotte says Wait, what!? She's a victim when did she go missing!? I said last night. She never came back from the film she was working on yesterday I've integrated everyone who had seen the whole day but no luck. They all looked at me sadly.

Charlotte says Moving on, if I'm the first with a daft ready to publish when the case is finally cracked,  and it's the headline story in the Steambird... When that happens, I bet all the other reporters will shed tears of envy. I've already gathered all kinds of materials, I just can't wait for the truth to be revealed. I said honestly same I just want this whole thing, to be over already. I really hope Mira can be found before the wrost comes to her?

Paimon says So what is the "serial disappearances of young women" case?  You mean the culprit hasn't been found? Charlotte says That's right. The first missing girl case happened almost twenty years ago. And ever since, after a period of time, another girl disappears. What the girls have in common is that the girls are all a similar age, and that they've all vanished without a trace.

But the scariest part is that to this day. None of the girls have ever been found. Many suspects have been arrested over the years in connection with this case. But shortly after each arrest, another disappearance would Always happen. Traveler says Maybe there are copycat criminals? I said maybe but, it's very unlikely? Charlotte says Yes, it's possible. But either way, I believe that every case has some precise truth behind it, waiting to be exposed.

Lyney says Yes, I agree. And at the very least. The families of the missing girls deserve some sort of explanation. I hope you're sister is found soon Lady y/n? You and you're family must be worried sick about her? I said Thanks Lyney and yes we're very worried about her.

Lyney says I just imagined for a second what I would do if Lynette were to suddenly disappear...  I'd pay any price to get her back and then find a way to track down the culprit. Lynette says Please don't imagine that, Lyney.

You continue talking on the aquabus and before you know it you arrived at you're destination.  

Paimon says Hmm. Hey, we're almost there. Look!  The aquabus comes to the end of the ride. Charlotte says Well, I really enjoyed chatting with you. Life should be full of pleasant little surprises like this. Paimon says Yeah, us as well! The ride went by too quickly. Ah, I have an interview to get to. I should get going before I'm late. Paimon says Okay, Paimon hopes we can chat again soon, Charlotte, see ya!

Charlotte says Hehe, by now. Be sure to stop by the Steambird when you have the time! Charlotte runs off. Paimon says What a tough job... always around and interviewing everyone. Well where should we go now? I said I'll let you guys decide that? As I said earlier I'm really busy today? So I'll have to say goodbye to you all here!

Paimon says Awe, already Paimon feels like she really got to see a different side of you! I said I haven't even left yet, and you already miss me!? Paimon says Well yeah? I've enjoyed taking to you! I said if you really feel that way, I can either be found at the Palais Mermonia, the Opera house and of course Poisson just ask for me at either of these places! I really do have to go now though!?

Paimon says Alright bye! Lyney says Don't forget to come to our Preformance! I said don't worry I won't forget see you all at the Preformance of Lyney the Great Magician and his assistant Lynette!? They waved you all goodbye, before you ran off to the Cafe to meet with some friends. Which were Navia, Melus and Sliver. I said Hey I'm here just as I promised! Navia hugs you very tightly and says Y/n! I've been waiting what took you so long!?

A/n: and another chapter I've posted two chapters today for this book so enjoy it while I make the next one

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