24. Genesis

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Twenty-second of Harvest

Loranna felt out of place as she sat in King Farhad's antechamber. She had ridden from Narandir as fast as she could, having gone several nights with virtually no sleep. She had managed to buy a formal blue dress before presenting herself to the court steward, who had scoffed at this interruption to his midmorning routine. She had only prevailed by telling him that the Prophetess would vouch for her. The steward hadn't believed her at first but came back a few minutes later offering her wine and fruit while she waited. She stifled a laugh at the memory. She'd never been in the palace before, and she welcomed the chance to buck the system.

"Madam Loranna?" the steward said quietly, stepping out of the throne room. "The King would see you now."

She winked at him as she stepped past him. She bowed twice, first to the king, and second to the Prophetess. She glanced at the handmaidens across the back wall, but didn't recognise their faces.

"I was told that you had urgent business," Farhad said from his throne. Siara stood beside him, her hands folded at her waist. "The Prophetess did indeed vouch for you, but she said nothing of your purpose."

"Thank you, Milady," Loranna said to Siara, and she briefly nodded. Turning back to the King, she announced, "I am Loranna, and I come with a message from the Lord of Narandir."

"The new lord, I surmise from recent reports," Farhad said with no little amusement. "Belkai, I believe her name is, who killed the Recluse and took his place."

"Nonetheless, by ancient law that makes her Lord indeed," Siara cautioned, earning a thankful smile from Loranna. "We would do well to listen to what her messenger has to say."

Farhad waved for Loranna to continue, and she took a breath to steady her nerves. "Belkai has indeed taken the lordship by force, as the old laws permit. She has sent me to announce that she has ceased all hostility towards the Kingdom of Svaleta. They were initiated by the Recluse in response to a prophecy that he did not understand."

"We have heard of the intervention of Ashelath, and his destruction," Siara said. "Such a power is not available to most mortals."

"I believe that Belkai has become something more than mortal," Loranna informed them. "Nonetheless, Narandir will cease all hostility. We request the same of your Kingdom. We desire only peace and safe passage for those who have chosen self-exile after the Recluse's fall."

Siara and Farhad spoke quietly for a few moments, then the King nodded. "We will grant it, and we wish to know what your lord asks in reply."

To his surprise, Loranna spoke to Siara. "Belkai requests the presence of one of your priestesses. A lady by the name of Sashai."

Siara couldn't help but laugh. "I knew that that would be more than a chance meeting. For what purpose does she request Sashai's presence?"

Loranna smiled. "Belkai is to be married, and wishes to do so according to Svaletan custom."

It was more than a request for someone to officiate, both Siara and Farhad understood. It was the ending of a thousand years of conflict. It was the proposal for a new relationship and the opportunity of exchange. It was, essentially, an official declaration of an alliance.

"She will return with you," Siara confirmed. "If the King permits."

"Go in peace, Loranna," Farhad said. "In time, we will send a delegation to further discuss our future. But understand that we may be delayed. War still rages in the north."

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