10. The Prophecy

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Ninth of Harvest

King's Crossing was one of the major resting areas for travellers in Svaleta. Only two main highways led out of Rignar's Hold. In the east, one ran straight from Larton to the city of Svaleta. For those who had visited the scattered townships in the west, the best journey was through King's Crossing, so named for the three rivers that connected nearby, as well as the three highways that intersected there. To the south was a thick wood, frequented by hunters who sought the pelts of the deer and wolves that roamed within. There was little stone to be seen, most of the town built from lumber stripped from the forest over the years. It was a place of anonymity, where few questions were asked of travellers and quiet deals were struck between those of less than savoury reputation. Belkai may have acted naïve to Milton, but she had done her research before setting off on her travels. She had almost immediately chosen King's Crossing as the only major centre that she'd show her face in. She would be just another random face there, unnoticed and disregarded.

Nonetheless, she hesitated before stepping onto the final stretch of road leading into the town. There should be no reason for anyone to recognise her or pay her undue attention, but still she found herself questioning the wisdom of showing her face there. Stick to the plan. No sense getting nervous now. She took a deep breath, then took the first step towards the town. The rest were easy.

She passed by the first few houses to find a crowd gathered around something in what seemed to be the town square. She could hear scuffling in the midst of them, and without warning the crowd let loose a roar of approval. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she pushed through to the inside. She got there in time to see an elf collapse to the ground, barely conscious as he held out a hand for mercy.

"Is that all?" His opponent shouted. "Is there anyone else?"

She was Svaletan, tall even by their standards. Her chestnut hair was pulled into a ponytail, and her thick arms dripped with sweat. She glared at the crowd, daring someone to take up the challenge.

A young man stepped forward and called out, "She gets paid win or lose. You get paid big if you beat her."

The Order had taught Belkai how to kill, but that hadn't been its focus. The ability to feel the world around them made its followers keen helpers of those in need. Their knowledge made them capable of incredible compassion, and they would regularly go on pilgrimages to serve those in need and comfort the broken. It wasn't unusual to find them in Tios serving among those whose lives were ruined in the midst of the self-fulfilling lust.

So Belkai tested the Svaletan woman. There was no anger in her, despite her piercing glare. Belkai sensed joy, a true love for the sport. This was a dangerous woman, that much was certain. Her challenge was taken up by a man about Belkai's height, built like a labourer. He stripped off his shirt and threw it aside before beckoning for the woman to attack.

"The woodcutter takes the challenge!" the younger man yelled out, then melted back into the crowd as the woman stepped forward. The two combatants circled each other, waiting for the first strike. The woman was first. She leapt forward without warning, launching a powerful punch that caught the man off guard. He spun out of the way, the blow slamming into his shoulder hard enough to knock him off balance. He recovered quickly, snatching her wrist as it withdrew and spinning her around for a return strike. Before he could land it, her leg shot out and crashed into his knee. Belkai heard a crunch as the kneecap shattered and he collapsed to the dirt. The woman stepped back, breathing heavily as she waited to see what he did. He tried to stand, but fell back down. He held up a hand, gasping his submission.

"I think we're done here," the woman said, then made her way through the crowd. Belkai pushed past the people behind her and saw the fighter enter the nearest tavern. Two men quickly followed her, and Belkai was close behind.

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