Author's Note

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So ends the beginning of Belkai's tale. Thank you for being a part of the journey and for joining me in this exploration of one segment of a much larger world.

'Daughter of the Wind' is the result of a year of late nights and early mornings putting words on paper (figuratively) and getting to know the characters as they grew and developed on the page. They are not who I pictured when I first started, and they are all the richer for that.

I am almost tempted to write about the themes and concepts behind the story, but nobody wants an essay at the end of the book - my name, after all, is not Tolstoy. I do want to say, though, that there was much thought and philosophy put behind many of the key characters and their stories, and while it may not always have been evident, there was always a clear desire to comment on the human experience within this fantasy world. Everyone says that, of course, and I'm far from unique. The more difference there is between authors, the more our similarities seem to shine through.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading 'Daughter of the Wind' as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hopefully it comes as good news that the sequel is in its final stages and I'm expecting to start posting it early November - so keep an eye out for 'The Sons of Retribution'. Belkai has earned her freedom, but there is a price to be paid for what she has done..

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