chapter 7

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"You guys get these groceries over to figure eight. Get straight back here when your done. I promised delivery by this afternoon." Heyward tells JJ, Pope and I, handing us a few grocery bags each.

The three of us decided to help out Heyward by delivery some groceries to figure eight. Not my ideal place of delivery but i'm helping Heyward so its a win win.

"Alright, Deliliah and I are going this way, so we'll meet back with you at the boat alright?" Pope tells JJ as he starts making his way.

"These are some heavy bags man, must be nice to have that type of money to buy all this shit." I tell Pope struggling with the 6th bag of my left arm trying to pull it further up to support the bags in my hands.

"How much for one of those beers?" We hear as we turn to come face to face with no other then,

Rafe cameron.

"They're not for sale." Pope tells him annoyedly.

"Listen bro, you've got so many and we've got nothing." Rafe tries to reason with Pope.

"Exactly what you deserve." I throw in.

"You probably stole them right?" Rafe says as he looks at me then slashes the bag open with his golf club as well as hitting Pope in the face.

"What the hell, you owe me for that!' Pope screams at him while covering his cheek.

"Your a fucking lunatic Rafe! Get some help or something!" I yell backing Pope up. Rafe is an asshole but no need for unnecessary violence. Makes him worse then what he already is.

"You need to shut your mouth bitch." Rafe tells me as he storms up to me and hits me in the stomach with his golf club repeatedly.

"Woah rafe!" Topper yells tryin to stop him, while also grabbing ahold of Pope to not interfere as he tried running towards me.

"Oh how sad, pretty boyfriend isn't here to save you now." He tells me as he practically straddles me and lands a punch to my face, I struggle against his grip but Pope eventually gets out of Toppers grip somehow before making his way over as quickly as possible and pushing Rafe off me after he lands a few more punches.

"Lets go rafe. they're not worth it." Topper tells him as Rafe grabs a beer off the ground and they start walking away.

"Stay off figure eights Pogues!" he yells back to us as I just flip him off from the ground.

"Hey, hey D you aright?" Pope asks leaning beside me and grabbing my hand to help me sit up.

"Uh, yeah I think so." I reply as I sit up and finally have the energy back to stand up. "Thank you Pope."

Pope really has the sweetest soul ever. I would break my  back and do anything for this boy. Same goes for all my friends. I'll always have their backs no matter what the circumstances are. They're my family and nobody will take them away from me.

"Lets not tell JJ." We both say at the same time. We both silently agreed that we weren't gonna talk about it anymore and just go wait for JJ back at the boat.

We made our way back to the boat silently, hoping JJ wont notice anything, instead of my original crop top i chucked on a hoodie that JJ had left around so he couldn't see the bruise starting to form on my stomach, where as Pope wore a hat to try and cover his cheek which wasnt doing much. I had sunglasses on to try and cover the bruise on my face too but Rafe got me pretty good and its hard to hide without make up and I don't exactly have the time to go get some.

"Whoo! Count me on on these deliveries. That was the best 100 bucks I've ever made!" We hear JJ scream at us running towards us. Pope and i make eye contact and give a small nod to each other to just not mention anything.

I love you with no fear. Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now