Chapter 1

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(Y/N) was an average girl with average issues. At least that's what she wanted people to believe. In reality, it was far from the truth. She was battling with her mental issues every day, every second of her life. Though she was a beautiful girl, she always believed she was ugly and fat and when others told her otherwise, they would be lying. She was afraid of trust and kept to herself. The cause of all this? Her very own mother. Her father had divorced her mother and left them because her mother was too out of hand and unreasonable. He didn't want to take (Y/N) because he wanted to leave town and didn't want her to follow, thinking (Y/N) could keep an eye on her mother. Her father still cared, but he just couldn't take the stress. Everyday, (Y/N) was being insulted by her mother.

"You are so useless. Why can't you find a job? Do you know how hard it is on me? I have to take care of you and this house. You are such a burden you selfish idiot. All you do is eat and get fat. You are such a pig. No wonder no boys want you. You don't even care for me." Her mother would ramble on and on insulting her in every which way possible. It wasn't like (Y/N) didn't care at all. She did all she could to help her mother, but apparently, it wasn't enough. All (Y/N) wanted to do was to do what she loved, and that was write. Every day, she kept writing but in her mother's eyes, they were a waste of time and worthless trash. Every day her mum compared her to others. Saying that her friend's kids were all in high-paying jobs. But there was the problem. She didn't have any of those fancy qualifications they had. All she had was the basic diploma and hundreds of applicants to fight with, who were better qualified than her. It wasn't like she never tried. She did, but not once was there an approval. With the words of her mother piercing daggers into her heart and mind every single day, she started believing them. Thoughts plagued her mind, telling her how worthless she was, how much of a burden she was, that she was a mistake and shouldn't have been born, and the loudest voice she heard in her head, kept telling her one thing. Kill yourself. Her mind even came up with all the different ways she could off herself. A million and one possible ways, but none she could muster up the courage to commit. She was always conflicted. Part of her kept saying she should just disappear from her mother's life and the other told her her mother needed her. She couldn't live this way.

Every day, her heart became colder and colder. Her eyes had lost all spark. She lived like an empty shell. Until one day, she heard a neighbor talking about a man named Killgrave. He would always wear a purple suit and was a handsome fellow, but he had a nasty power. He could compel people to do things, even if they didn't want to. A spark of hope lit up in her. Maybe, just maybe, he was her ticket out of this hell. She gathered up her things, packing up and disposing of all of her stuff, bringing with her only her most loved possessions she would want with her when she died, and left her home when her mother was out. Her mother probably wouldn't even care if she was gone. (Y/N) didn't even bother to leave a note. She took whatever savings she had and roamed around, searching for Killgrave. She heard he frequented Hell's kitchen and tried her luck there. But it took her about a week before she managed to find him. It was pure coincidence that she had found him, coming out of a club. She saw him command a drunk guy who had stumbled out of the club, to stand behind the tree out of sight. Just as he turned to walk away, (Y/N) ran up to him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Wait!" She called out, causing the man to furrow his brows as he turned to look at her.

"Are you Killgrave?" (Y/N) panted a little as she reached the man.

"Who are you? Did Jessica send you?" Killgrave's voice was menacing as he hissed at (Y/N).

"My name's (Y/N). No. Who's Jessica?" (Y/N) replied to his questions in a trance.

"What do you want?" Killgrave asked, patience starting to run out.

"I want you to command me to kill myself." Once again, (Y/N) replied in a trance.

Kill Me, Love Me (Killgrave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now